The Child

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Alphys walked in through the door to her and Undyne's home. She couldn't find Undyne anywhere downstairs.
"Undyne?" She shouted.
Undyne came walking down the stairs, her abdominal area bulging. "Hi Alphys..."
"Undyne! What..." Alphys stuttered.
"It's ok Alphys... I'll explain..."
Undyne and Alphys ended up talking about chromosomes and reproduction all night. Alphys was, as is always likely with a combination of science and Alphys, very interested and excited. Undyne had spoken to scientists about creating sperm cells from a combination of bone marrow and stem cells, and had them inserted into her womb to make Undyne have a child with her sperm and her egg. (Thank you to Randall Munroe for teaching me this stuff XD)
And finally, Undyne and Alphys had to choose a name for the child. It had been determined by doctors that the child would be a boy, as the sex chromosomes were 'X' and 'Y', so the child's name was to be that of a boy's (or a girl's I'm not assuming what they're gonna wanna name the kid).
"Neil? John?" Alphys suggested.
"No, it has to be something cool and original, like Crassus or something." Undyne stated.
"How about... Darius?" Alphys said.
"That's PERFECT." Undyne agreed.
The child called Darius was destined to be an important one indeed.

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