The Comforting

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In Kay's house, it was very bright and comfortable, like a hotel that DID leave a mint on your pillow.
"My child, I have prepared you a surprise that I hope you will enjoy. Come with me." Kay said excitedly. She walked into the Eastern hallway and Sans followed.
"Here it is!" Kay said. She led Sans to a door in the hallway. "A room of your own! I hope you like it." She rubbed his... Skull.
"You didn't have to do this. I might be here for a while but..." Sans said.
"I insist." Kay sniffed the air. "Is something burning...? Make yourself at home!" She called, running West towards the kitchen. Sans entered his room.
Sans' room seemed to have been lived in by a child before he had. It contained a box full of cool toys that did not interest him at all, and a box of shoes in a desparity of sizes. Eventually, Sans fell onto the bed and fell asleep almost immediately.

Sans woke up hours later, and found the light had been turned off, and there was a small cake like object on the floor. Sans picked it up and words formed in his mind
'You acquired the marzipan-cherry cake'
"Marzipan and cherry, huh? Cool." (Oh yeah the lazy author forgot that Kay called Sans and asked him which he preferred: marzipan or cherries. He'd never tried either, but the cake smelled nice). He pocketed the cake and walked down the hall into the living room.
The living room was vast, with a large table and a pleasantly warm fire. A bookshelf sat on the North wall and a door to the kitchen led North-west. Kay was sat in an armchair laid near the center of the room, reading a book.
"Up so early, my child?" She asked.
"Yeah," Replied Sans. " Had some nightmares..."
"Oh no... Come here. Let me comfort you." Kay consoled. Sans sat on the arm of the chair. Kay told him about the book she was reading.
"Random question," Sans began. "Is there a way out of here?"
"...No... My child." Kay said, suspiciously. Sans raised an... Eyebrow...?
"I have to do something. Stay here, my child." Kay left the room. Sans followed. He walked back through to the lobby area, and walked down the stairs, guessing Kay had come down this way. He guessed correctly.
"My child... Please... Go back up to your room." Kay warned. Sans persisted.
"Hmph. You are just like the others. I've seen it all so many times.
They come.
They leave.
They die.
My child, you will be no different. The others...
Will kill you. Go back to your room. You will be safe there." Kay warned once more. Still Sans persisted.
"Go back to your room. This is your final warning." Kay sounded angry, something Sans wasn't used to. He almost felt afraid. He walked on after Kay. He came to another large, purple door with the symbol etched onto its surface. Kay faced the door yet still sensed his presence.
"Hmph. You want to leave so badly? Well, in that case...
Prove yourself.
Prove to me you are strong enough to survive.
A battle initiated.
The scar on Sans' face pulsed.

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