thirty nine

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THE GUN WAS steady in alexa's hand, stealthily walking down the hallway of the seemingly empty warehouse. she stopped walking, back against the cement wall.

"redwing see anything?" she heard bucky ask over comms, everyone hearing sam's small sigh.

"ten men, armed on the other side of the wall alexa." she heard steve mutter a curse word, hearing bucky chuckle. alexa turned her head to see natasha quietly walk towards her.

at the other end of the hallway, bucky had his rifle in his hand as steve held the shield defensively infront of them. they stopped walking and stood against the wall. 

"what's the plan cap?"


"you said this was gonna be a walk in the park rogers!" alexa grunted as she blocked punches, kicking the guys legs out from underneath him. she used her baton to knock him unconscious.

steve never responded, but you could hear the sound of the shield bouncing off something, or someone. natasha who was only a few feet away from her, chuckled.

"next time you ask us to hangout steve, i'm choosing the activity," natasha joked as she threw punches at the guy infront of her.

"yeah stevie this sucks." bucky joined in on the humor, hearing his harsh breathing and grunts. he was using his knife as a weapon, his gun getting kicked aside.

"stop whining all of you." steve finally answered, causing alexa to chuckle. there weren't many HYDRA bases left, and the intel they had said there wasn't too many men here. alexa knew that was so wrong. natasha had suddenly run off to help clint who needed backup, leaving alexa in the room.

bucky had pulled out his another knife, blocking punches and throwing knives at people at the same time. he was truly getting sick of fighting yet, it's all he's ever known.

a hard shove throws bucky off his feet onto the ground. he turned his head and was able to see alexa seemingly holding her own in the other room through the wide doorway. one of the guys above him threw a punch, bucky catching it with his left hand. at the same time, he heard 3 loud gunshots from the other room, and the sound of a body hitting the floor.


bucky feels his breath get caught in his throat. he feels like he's being suffocated. he crushes the guy's fingers like twigs, his screams echoing through the room. bucky rises to his feet, three men running into the room to see who shot the gun.

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