10 | how to crash a date.

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THE WEATHER WAS COOL, the air was crisp, and I, along with Lucas, were on the way to ruin Walter's date with Neil. This was officially the best night ever.

We strolled breezily down the streets towards Topaz, the new upscale restaurant in town, which was, surprisingly, not far from our houses - a fact that I had discovered when Walter had texted me the address of their restaurant.

"I still think this is a very bad idea," Lucas repeated for the umpteenth time as I hushed him.

"Come on man don't be negative, we are here to save a bro from heartbreak!"

Lucas snorted. "You don't expect me to believe that, do ya? I have known you since forever Christian, I know you're here for another reason - to ruin Jannat's night."

"Eh," I shrugged, but in my heart, I knew he was telling the truth. Neil was too good of a guy for that spawn of devil.

"Honestly, I think you're jealous that they're on this date together, and not you two, and that's why you're trying to disrupt their date."

I snapped my head at him. "It's not a date! They're having dinner as friends!"

He looked at me incredulously. "Then, tell me, why are you so keen on saving Neil from her clutches when it is surely not a date?"

I sputtered for a moment, my mind suddenly blank and devoid of any words.


"Yeah," He said, glaring at me as we turned 'round the block. "That's what I thought."

"Oh come on, don't be a sourpuss," I grunted at him. "What if she flirts with him or whatever? It will get Neil's hopes up and he will be heartbroken later."

"Uh-huh," He hummed. "And what if Jannat finds herself able of reciprocating his feelings?"

I stuck my tongue out at him. "Come on, pal, I know her. She wouldn't go for Neil."

"Right." He nodded. "Sure. Sure. If you say so."

"I am correct, okay?" I said, and then sighed in relief as the glittering lights of Topaz came into view. "I am doing both of them a favour, actually, we both are. Now stop whining and questioning my intents because we are here!"

The check-in process and everything took about seven minutes, and before we knew it, we were being led to the seat right next to Walter's - courtesy of yours truly, who had asked Walter beforehand about their seat number so that we could book the one right next to theirs within the same time slot.

A stunning stewardess led us to our seats, and when we took our seats in the booth, she thrust a menu in my hands. I smacked the menu aside, and Lucas gave a hesitant smile to the stewardess, snatched up the menu and started reading it instead. I slid to the edge of our semi-circle wall mounted sofa seat so that I could peek at the booth next to us. And oh boy, did I get a peek. And for a moment, when I saw Walter draped up in the lacy rose-tinted dress, my breath uncharacteristically caught in my throat. My breath only returned to me when Lucas smacked my arm with the menu, drawing my attention back to him.

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