Chapter 5

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I couldn’t believe it was her. I didn’t think I was going to see her again. Especially after the stunt I pulled 3 years ago. I was wondering where she’s been hiding the last few years. I know I fucked up on telling her to get an abortion and shit but you have to understand where I was coming from at the time. My girlfriend Gianna was pregnant and I was already stressed out about that then the girl I’m cheating on her with turns up pregnant two months later. I felt like I couldn’t catch a break.

Now if you were me what would you do? I could have been a man about it and took care of my responsibilities but I didn’t know how I was going to explain that to either of them. Imagine having to explain something to a hormonal pregnant woman that she isn’t the only one carrying your child. I wasn’t trying to hurt anyones feelings at the end of the day. I felt like shit after what I did to Chitta that day and the fact that I had a kid out there that doesn’t know who I am doesn’t make it any better. I never knew a my dad so I didn’t want my child to wonder why their dad didn’t want anything to do with them.

“I wanna tell the world about you, but it’s like we sworn to secrecy.

Why do we sacrifice growing up to fall to in love so fast?

Hope we don’t become enemies!

I put my faith in God, you put your faith in me.

Now I’m trying to keep my sanity!

Why do we sacrifice to fall in love so fast?

Man, I hope we don’t be enemies. I’m still seeking…”

I rapped out loud as I wrote down the chorus. It was a mixture of my feelings for Gianna and resurfaced feelings for Chitta. I feel like a piece of shit for this situation. I wasn’t trying to get caught up again but I honestly wanted to tell her I was sorry and hopefully get to meet my kid. I eventually want to introduce him or her to Laylani. Hopefully Gianna and Chitta can compromise on that for the sake of my children.


I left the studio a little early and before I made my way home I decided to give my homie Nino a call. If I didn’t know where I could find Chitta he would know.

“Was good bruh how have you been?”

“I’ve been good launching my shoe line in a few weeks. How’s everything with LK and such?”

“It’s good about to put out a new album and plan a tour overseas.”

“That’s cool bruh, but what’s the real reason you called? You rarely call me.” Nino asked. Which was true. After Chitta left he left to do his own thing. I know he knew more than what he made it seem. I didn’t bagger him just wished him the best of luck.

“When’s the last time you talked to Honey?” I asked jumping right to the chase.

“She doesn’t go by Honey anymore, but yeah I seen her. She’s doing well. Why do you care?” his attitude caught me off guard.

“Well the next time you talk to her can you please give her my number.” he mumbled a yeah before we both said our goodbyes and hung up.

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