Chapter 8

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This morning Cassie called me to do a girls day consisting of shopping and lunch somewhere in between. I was in need of a new wardrobe and hanging out with Cassie is always a blast. I’m glad that we’ve became friend in such a short time.

We were at Beverly Center Cassie insisted that I try on any and everything I wanted to buy or think about buying. She wanted to help on me reinventing myself for the better. She called it “Let go of the past and move on to the future through new clothes and attitude.” I almost trotted past Henri Bendel’s until I saw Stacie in the main window of the store changing the display of handbags and other accessories.

“I’ll be back I’m going to look in this store for a bit.” I informed Cassie. I walked inside the store and tapped Stacie lightly on the shoulder.

“Hey how’s everything with you?” She asked climbing out of the display window.

“I’m good just doing some shopping with my friend Cassie. How are you doing?” I don’t know what it is about her but something drew me to her. I’ve been intrigued ever since we met a few weeks ago.

“Exhausted but I’m good.” She expressed softly. “Do you need help finding anything?” I showed her some of the bags I wanted to see. While we casually flirted I picked out a few selections. I brought the bags and accessories to the counter and paid for them and met back up with Cassie for a late lunch at The Capital Grille.


Once we arrived back at Nino’s condo I noticed that Stacie had wrote her number on my receipt from Henri Bendel’s. I smiled a little to myself now I knew for sure she was interested. I put away my items I bought away in my room and sent Stacie a quick text so she could save my number. We were texting back in forth until I was interrupted by a soft knock on my door. I gave whoever it was the notion that they could enter.

“What are you doing tonight?” Cassie poked her head in my room. I wondered what she was up to.

“Nothing much probably just staying in and maybe watch a movie or two. Why what’s up?” I doubt I’d stay up and watch a few movies I was a bit tired anyways so I’ll probably just sleep.

“Well you should go to Superclub tonight and host this event with me.” Cassie chimed in. I didn’t mind going out with Cassie she was fun so I agreed and got dressed so we could head out.


I’ve been at my moms for some days now and I was feeling a lot better. I have been enjoying my time away from Michael. However I didn’t want to keep Laylani away from him. I‘m not entirely  sure if he could handle her all by himself. I knew he was worried about us but I just didn’t want to talk to him just yet.

“Have you called that boy yet child?” My mom nagged as she walked in her kitchen interrupting my quiet space.

“No not yet. I will in the morning, I think. So he can at least talk to Lani.” I have nothing to say to Michael right now. I do miss him but I still can’t believe he admitted to cheating on me with her. Not only that they had a child together. Like I knew he cheated on me with her back then but I never knew she was pregnant with his kid. I feel betrayed and hurt on so many levels.

“Get to it. Michael is probably worried sick about the two of you. If there is one thing I regret in my life is keeping you away from your father when you were a child.” I watched a single tear fall from her eye and roll down her cheek. I hated seeing my mother cry. It wasn’t something I was used to seeing. So it hurt me more every time she did cry in front of me.

“Ma please don’t cry that’s not what I’m doing here I just needed a break from him right now and to be honest I don’t think I could leave Laylani by herself with him. Michael can barely take care of himself sometimes. I would be too worried about her. He goes out and doesn’t come back for days at a time. I know he’s in the studio most of the time but I don’t completely trust that either.” I spoke honestly. I was feeling this way and I didn’t know how much longer I could put up with Michael’s bullshit.

“Girl that isn’t the only reason you drove all this way to San Diego. Tell me why you really came here.” I wasn’t sure if I should really tell her why I was here. Of course she knew that I wasn’t telling her the entire truth, any mom would. I’m not sure if I’m ready to tell her just yet.

“Ma I missed you and we only really see you on holiday’s.” I did miss her but I wanted to keep me and Michael’s problems to ourselves for the time being.

“Girl cut that out tell me what’s wrong you wouldn’t be sitting down here all by yourself if he didn’t do something wrong.” She grabbed my hand and ensured me that it was okay to tell her what I was going through.

“Well when I was pregnant with Laylani..” I paused trying fight back the emerging tears in my eyes. I didn’t want to cry but I have been holding this in for so long it seems. “Michael was sleeping with a woman who was on his label at the time and…” I sniffled the tears were now streaming down my warm cheeks.

“He didn’t get her pregnant did he Gianna.” She held her hand up to her mouth I just shook my head in confirmation. “Oh my child.” She stood up and held me.

“That’s the not even the worst part I just found out the night before I came up here. We fought and everything. I already knew he was sleeping with her I didn’t know she had his child too. I’m not even sure if I can forgive him. Like what type of man cheats on his pregnant girlfriend.” I grabbed a napkin of the table and blew my nose. I didn’t want to cry but I been through so much with him. It sucks to say that I still love him and want to be in his arms more than anything.

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