Chapter 7

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I was laying on the couch watching Wildin’ Out and eating some chips trying to bring myself out of this funk. I’ve been like this ever since Chitta brought me to Khalil’s gravesite a few days ago. I was so excited to meet him. A mini version of me I found myself laughing someone wanting to be just like me. I always wanted a son someone I could show how to grow up to be a good man. Not like my nonexistent pops. That shit gets to me sometimes, but I’ve learned to live with it.

That night after she dropped me off to get my car I cried for an hour straight. I honestly felt like shit for what I did to her, to them. I wish I could turn back the hands of time and be there for her at that time. When she lost probably the only person that would love her unconditionally. I didn’t want her to get an abortion back then I was really a dumb ass. I did develop feelings for her all those years ago. We connected on so many levels. Some that I’ll never reach with Gianna. I was taking everything for granted with Gianna and Laylani. They’re my family and I’ve been selfish only thinking about my wants and needs.

“Michael!” Gianna yelled after cutting off the tv which snapped me out of my deep thoughts.

“Yeah, what’s up G?” I answered somberly. I didn’t want to deal with this especially now.

“I’ve been down here calling for you for the last ten minutes.What’s wrong with you?” She moved the chip crumbs from off of my face and sat next to me on the couch.

“Oh nothing I’m chilling why you ask?” I looked her deep in her eyes and tried to figure out what she was going through her mind.

“You’ve been in the same spot since I got home from work letting the tv watch you. You haven’t really left the house unless you went to your mother’s house for a few hours.” She had this concerned look fell upon her face. I was debating with myself on telling her the truth or not.

“Do you want the truth Gianna?” I stared at her waiting for her to answer me. She gazed into my eyes and shook her head yes. “Well a few months after you had gotten pregnant with Laylani, I gotten another woman pregnant around that time.” I rubbed my hand down my face trying to figure out what I should tell her next.

“What the fuck do you mean you got another woman pregnant Michael. Who is she? Are you sure she is telling the truth?” She stood up and started pacing back and forth in the living room.

“I’m sure she’s telling me the truth. I was the only person she was sleeping with. I know I should have told you this before but I just couldn’t bring myself to hurt you that way.I’m absolutely and entirely sorry.” I wasn’t sure if I should continue or not. I was worried how she would feel about the remainder of the story.

“It’s a little late for that Michael. I don’t understand how you could hide this for so long. Who is she?” She was still pacing and it was making me a little uncomfortable. I wasn’t sure what she would do next.

“It… was… It was” I stuttered as I felt myself getting hot.

“SPIT IT THE FUCK OUT MICHAEL!!” Gianna threw a book at me. I ducked as quickly as I could. I’ve never see her this upset before. I don’t want to seem like a bitch but I was scared as fuck right now.

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