Chapter 19

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*2 Months Later*

Here I sat in the waiting room of this ob/gyn office alone. Being here only brought back hurt and pain I went through a few years ago. However the outcome is different than the last time. This time around I chose to be here without him. It has been sometime since I talked to Michael I felt it was for the best. I had my mom and my family here for support. He still had a life back in LA I would be selfish to take him away from all of that. I know it wasn’t a good idea to keep his child from him but the less he knew the better. I know as much as he professed that he loved me and wanted to be with me, I couldn’t bring myself to believe him. Besides I didn’t want to risk anything happening with the baby if I flew back. I just rather be safe in Toronto with my family.

“Sochitta Sal, Dr. Maurson is ready to see you now.” The preppy brunette medical assistant announced as I followed her to one of the hospital rooms. “How are you feeling today Mrs. Sal?” She walked to the sink to wash her hands.

“It’s only Ms. and I am doing okay right now.” I informed her. I knew she meant well but I didn’t care I just want to know how my baby is doing.

“Okay, well the doctor shall be with you in a moment. Let me just check your vitals.” She pulled out her stethoscope as she checked my breathing and blood pressure. I was becoming more annoyed with her as the longer she was around me. I guess I somewhat envied her, she was just too happy for my liking. I heard a faint knock on the door as it slowly opened.

“Hello Sochitta, how are you doing today?” Dr. Maurson smiled at me while she sat in her stool.

“I’m okay just a little irritated. How are you?” I laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. I heard the faucet turn on and I assumed Dr. Maurson was washing her hands.

“I’m well my dear. Okay can you lift your shirt for me and this is going to be a little cold.” She announced as she squeezed the blue gel on my little baby bump.

*Boom boom boom*

"Okay Sochitta that’s the baby’s heart beat." She smiled at me which made me do the same. "Would you like to know the sex of the baby today?" I wasn’t sure about that. I know Michael would’ve wanted to know. I’m sure he would like to know if I was pregnant as well. He also would want me to come back to LA too, but that wasn’t happening.

"Yes I would love to know." I shouted with excitement.

"Congratulations you’re have a girl." A bigger smile spread across my face. I was so happy I would be having a baby girl. I wanted to call Michael but something in me just couldn’t dial his number. So I decided to call someone I was always able to talk to about anything.

“Hey baby what’s going on?” My mom’s soft voice rang through the receiver.

“Just leaving the doctor’s office and guess what?” I laughed a little bit. I was definitely excited to share this news with her.

“How’s the baby doing. Did you find out what you’re having?” She nearly yelled on the other line.

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