Chapter 12

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Loud music and children’s laughter filled the air it was Laylani’s third birthday party. I just shook my head as I looked around at all the extravagant pink, purple, and white decorations that embellished my backyard. Gianna really out did herself for this party like damn this was too much. I feel like she was doing this to impress our neighbors and her stupid ass friends. I kept my peace though if this shit is was what made her happy then so be it. I just want us to stop acting like enemies.

“This ain’t no party for a three year old.” II took a sip from Henny and shook my head. Who in the hell is cleaning this shit up later though not me.  A group of kids ran past me and one nearly knocked me over crashing into my leg. I looked down and it was my princess. “Baby girl slow down you gonna hurt yourself.”

“Daddy thank you so much for my PARTYYYY!!!” She ran off to go play with her friends. They grow up so fast. I remember bringing her home from the hospital she was so small and cute. I was determined to be the best father I could be. As far as I’m concerned she will never have to worry about anything.

Now I don’t know if I’m seeing things or Chitta just walked in here hand and hand with this bad ass blonde haired girl and another little girl around the age of seven. I knew Chitta’s ass was a straight up freak. Never thought she was into girls though. If I would have known back then I would have most definitely explore that side of her. They both look good as hell too. I wouldn’t mind a little menage a Ty if you know what I mean.

“Where should I put this Michael?” I pointed to the table near the cake. She strolled in that direction with her fine ass girlfriend following behind her. I made my way towards the table where all my niggas were sitting.

“Who is that with Honey? She fine as fuck.” Chris ole thirsty ass asked a little lower than a whisper.

“I don’t know she didn’t introduce me. Which was rude by the way.” I finished off my henny and relaxed in my lounge chair. I started to drift off to sleep until I heard a ruckus coming from over near the gazebo. Fuck what did I get myself into, letting Gianna talk me into inviting Chitta’s ass here.


We arrived at the address Michael texted me after I told him I would come to the party. I don’t know why I decided to show up but I felt that it would be be petty if I didn’t. I felt as if I was facing my demons for whatever reason.

“You know we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, Love.” Stacie grabbed my hand as she turned in the driver seat to look at me.

“Naw it’s cool I was invited. Besides we’re already here and have Izzy with us.” I was going to be polite regardless. I wasn’t rude unless someone decided to step out of line with me.

I smoothed out my dress as I got out the car grabbing Stacie’s hand a little tighter than usual. I haven’t seen most of these people I used to call friends for years. I wasn’t sure how they felt about me but to be quite frank I don’t care. I felt eyes beaming through my back as I walked through their yard. I’m sure most people weren’t aware of the situation between Michael and myself but then again we were careless from time to time.

“Where should I put this Michael?” He pointed towards this table which I assumed all the gifts were.All of this for a three year old though? It was a little extensive. Hey when you have the money this is what you do. I know Michael wasn’t here for this though this had Gianna written all over it.

“Chitta hey girl come over.” I heard a high pitched voice yell from the other side of the party. It could only be Gianna peachy valley ass.

“Hey Gianna.” I rolled my eyes and turned to Stacie. Whose face looked as awkward as I felt. I hated this be friendly shit she was trying to do with me. I wish she didn’t make so obvious that she wasn’t trying to be petty.

“That’s not her is it. She’s a little excited too see you. You sure that’s his girlfriend?” Stacie laughed so I’m sure I’m not the only one who seen through this facade she’s displaying.

“Let’s mingle and play nice. She’s honestly harmless.” I sauntered towards the gazebo where Gianna and her Friends were seated.

“I’m so glad you can make it Chitta.” She reached to me for a hug which I wasn’t expecting. I hugged her back though I wasn’t going to be petty especially not a child’s birthday party.

“Me too thanks for inviting me honestly it means a lot.” I lied I just wanted to make her feel like she was doing something helpful. Honestly I rather be preparing myself for to visit Khalil on his birthday in a next week. Yep they were a week apart it’s funny how that turned out.

“Want some Champagne ladies?” Gianna poured some Moet in glasses and handed them to Stacie and I.

“No thank you. I don’t drink.” I placed the glass back on the table. I didn’t want to be rude but I’m not ruining my sobriety for anyone.

“Since when?” Kerra snarled. I was going to ignore her because I wasn’t going to embarrass myself or Stacie. Definitely not for the likes of this bitch.

“Mommy can we have cake now?” A little girl whined. She looked like the perfect mixture of Michael and Gianna. I wondered to myself if her and Khalil would’ve looked alike. I never got to even see his face which haunts me still to this day.

“Not yet in a little bit give me 20 minutes. Okay.” She kissed her on her forehead and she went on her way. I honestly didn’t have any issues with Gianna I simply envied her. She had everything I did not. I wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of knowing that though.

“So Sochi-tta where’s your kid?” I don’t know who this bitch thought she was to address me. I don’t know nor do I like her ass, so why is she in my face asking me why I am here? Gianna need to get her friend before she get her ass knocked out straight up. I don’t like people in my business and for her to talk to me all reckless is beyond me.

“Kerra I advise you to not say anything else to me.” I warned her. If she knew what was good for her she would leave me the fuck alone.

“Kerra that’s not your place to ask her that.” Gianna tried to play peacemaker she was the smart one between the both of them.

“Naw fuck that you over here making small talk with the bitch so I asked her about her bastard so what?” I know this bitch was joking. I’m going to teach her to keep her mouth shut about me and mine.

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