Chapter 7- The Tunnel of Nightmares

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"Holy Shuck.." I whispered to myself, leaning forward onto the back of Frypan's seat as Thomas drove the rover forwards.

Just the mere glance of the tunnel sent a wave of chills down my spine, it seemed that this was an old abandoned health checkpoint, battered and bent signs of the symptoms of the flare are scattered along the ground. Barbed wire trailed at the sides.

"Stop the car Thomas" Fry advised, looking at the tunnel with a worried expression.

Thomas gave a small nod before slowly halting the rover, reaching forward and taking the key out of the ignition as he stared at the tunnel in wonder.

"Perfect. " I sighed, running a hand gently through my hair, "A pitch-black tunnel and no other way to go".

Newt shifted his eyes to me and looked at me in worry, which confused me a little bit. What could he be so worried about?

Thomas used his foot to open the door, sliding out and landing on the dirt ground. A large map held firmly between his hands.

The three of us followed closely behind, I allowed Newt to slide out first before following closely behind, shielding my eyes from the scorching rays of the sun as we all moved forwards, looking down the tunnel nervously.

"So that's the only way we can go?" Newt questioned.

It seemed like this was the last place we wanted to go.

Thomas nodded, glancing down at his map before then looking back up at the tunnel with his jaw clenched, "It's the only way."

Newt stared at the tunnel for a few seconds before turning back to face Thomas, a hand placed on his right hip.

"I don't want to sound negative but if I was a crank, that is definitely where I would go" Newt announced turning sharply on his heels and heading back to the rover, "Alright, I get shotgun."

I whipped around, hearing Fry sniggering under his breath as I watched Newt hoisting himself into the rover, shooting him a glare.

"Great positivity Newt" I called, causing him to wink at me as he settled himself down.

"Well, I suppose we shouldn't waste any time" I added, striding past Thomas and Frypan before hauling myself into the backseat again.

The two boys followed suit with Fry this time taking the driver's seat and starting up the vehicle.

Newt leaned down to retrieve some sort of lamp from underneath the dashboard, "We'll need this" He explained to the group before he switched it on, shining a ray of light towards the tunnel.

Frypan nodded nervously at the boy before slowly edging the rover forward, the sudden change of lighting causes my eyes to narrow together however once we get a better view of the place we find that it's a mess.

Numerous abandoned and what seemed to be broken cars were scattered all over the place, I shuddered at the thought of what may have happened here.

"Woah, Woah, Woah" Newt suddenly whispered, holding his hand out to Fry which in turned caused both me and Thomas to tense up, I leaned forward onto my knees trying to see what was going on.

The rover slowly came to a halt and in the darkness, I could just make out the silhouette of a crank standing there. Twisting and twitching in unsettling ways. I gulped nervously as I watched the creature before exchanging a nervous look with Thomas.

"It's fine Fry" Thomas reassured, "Just try and go slow and steady..." He advised, nodding encouragingly to the boy.

Frypan nodded slowly in return, clearly not confident as to what could happen, "Okay then." He responded turning his attention to the front as the rover slowly came to life again.

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