Chapter 1- Hope On the Horizon

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The warmth of the bed encased me, my body felt as though It was sinking rapidly into the mattress. My eyes are riveted to the bed above me, glued to the metal. The distant sound of Jamie blabbering interrupted my thoughts.

"And then maybe if we ever escape this place, you and I can go back to the Right Arm?" Jamie questioned, hopefully.

My eyes fluttered open at the mention of escaping this place, using my elbows to push myself into a sitting position, I shoot the girl a cold glare causing her to close her mouth immediately.

"Jamie, we've tried to escape," I explained. "Remember what the guards will do if they catch any of us attempting to escape?".

A terrified expression cast over Jamie's face. Shaking her head, Jamie sunk onto her bed with an exasperated sigh.

For six long months, we had been in the clutches of WCKD after they ambushed the Right Arm, taking everyone they could. Our time with WCKD has most definitely not been relaxing, we've been tested for immunity. We've been tested for a cure for the disease known as the Flare. 

When WCKD attacked the Right Arm, I had been taken alongside Minho, Sonya and Aris. The image of their terrified faces still fresh in my mind. I left behind so many things I cared about, I left behind the boy I cared most about.

I wonder what Newt is doing right now, perhaps he is already perfectly fine and happy in the safe haven, he's probably already forgotten about me. I must be nothing more than a distant memory.

"Tell me a story." Jamie requested after a long period of silence breezed between us.

My brows pinched together in a frown, I've told Jamie hundreds of stories since we arrived at the WCKD facility. Many about my time in the maze, some about the scorch. The young girl would always perk up whenever I told her it was time for a story, she would ask questions at the right time and gasp whenever I attempted to make my tale much more dramatic.

"I don't know what story to tell you." I retort, "is the story of the maze not getting boring now?" I asked curiously.

Jamie shook her head, "No, I like the stories of the maze" she replied scooting herself closer to me, "Can you tell me about how you defeated the Grievers again?".

Shifting my eyes to the floor, I can't help but grin at how Jamie gets so excited whenever I agree to tell her a story. 

"Sure," I responded, pondering what I should start with, perhaps the speech Thomas gave before we all ran towards the griever, or maybe when we finally escaped the maze and were rescued by what we thought were our saviours.

"We were all so nervous," I began as out of the corner of my eye, I see Jamie settle herself down next to me. Preparing herself for my tale.

"After we had escaped Marcus and the others, Thomas led us into the maze," I explained, the memory of us escaping seemed so clear, as though it happened yesterday.

"And as we were making our way through the maze," I continued, "Newt took my hand and told me that everything would be okay".

I've told Jamie enough about Newt before, she knows clearly who he is. Sometimes she would ask the most bizarre and random questions about Newt, questions that I even didn't know the answer to.

At the mention of Newt, a wide grin tugged at the upper corners of Jamie's lips and her eyes brighten up.

"The battle was long and blood was definitely shed," I continued to explain trying to make the story much more dramatic, Jamie always loved the dramatic parts.

"Chuck and Teresa had to keep ahold of the section key," I always hated telling Jamie this part, the mention of Chuck made me fight the urge to cry. When we first arrived at the facility, I use to lie awake at night imagining what would have happened if Chuck had survived.

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