Chapter 3- Victory, But At What Cost?

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It's like a weight has hit my stomach causing my spirits which were once at an all-time high to plummet to the ground. That can't be true... Minho was in the carriage with me!. He can't be gone, he can't!

"He was here" I protested looking up at Thomas in disbelief, the brunette refuses to stare back and keeps his eyes riveted to the floor.

I can tell that he is disappointed in himself, he feels like a failure that the mission was unsuccessful.

I myself feel like I let Minho down, I should have kept him in my sights. Made sure he was there at all times... and I failed.

"Guys, you gotta shucking believe me!" I exclaimed, tears brimming in my eyes however I make no effort to wipe them away, "He was here, he can't be gone!" 

"It's okay (Y/n)" Newt whispered, patting my shoulder gently, "We believe you right Tommy?" the blonde boy's eyes shifted up to Thomas.

I clenched my jaw staring at Thomas, mentally begging him to tell me that he believes me. Yet the sceptical look on his face says otherwise.

"Right Tommy?"  Newt persisted from behind me.

Eventually, the boy forces himself to nod however I can tell that he is angry and frustrated that Minho was not here, he's pissed that WCKD intercepted their plan. 

Something is not adding up, Minho was in the carriage only a few seats down from me and then suddenly when we are rescued by the others, Minho vanishes into thin air?

"Come on" Newt gently reaches out and brushes a strand of hair behind my ear, "We need to get you out of here."

Nodding somberly, I allowed Newt to slowly help me up from my seat and towards the entrance of the train, squinting my eyes together I slowly step out into the light. Using my hand to shield my eyes from the harsh rays of the sun.

I glance around, watching as Newt converses with Thomas. His right hand positioned on his hip as he talks to the boy, it's obvious that they are talking about Minho and how they could not save him. 

It doesn't make sense, Minho was on the train with me, I had made eye contact with him. And suddenly he had just disappeared like that?

"(Y/n)!" called someone from behind me, spinning around in confusion, I furrowed my brows together trying to locate the source of the voice when suddenly something slammed into me causing both of us to tumble to the ground.

"What-" I began in frustration going to push whatever had slammed into me off before my vision comes to and I see the bright, twinkling eyes of Jamie staring back at me. A wide smile plastered on her face.

"Oh my god Jamie" I whispered, relieved that the kid had made it and not been recaptured by WCKD. I pull her into a hug resting my chin on her shoulder as though if I didn't hug her then she would disappear in my arms.

"Are we safe?" Jamie asked worriedly, glancing over my shoulder at the Safe Haven, watching dots of people in the distance as they seemed to be working, carrying crates towards a gangplank.

"As safe as you'll ever be, kid" Another voice answered, looking upwards I meet eyes with none other than Nova.

It seemed as though the long months had gotten the better of Nova, her wavy brown hair had been cut short to a short bob that hung just below her chin. Purple rings are clearly visible underneath her eyes. Beads of sweat form right at Nova's brow, perhaps she was working before coming here.

For a second, the three of us stand there awkwardly not really knowing what to do, I don't know if I should weep or hug her.

However it seemed that Nova was one step ahead of me, she reached forwards and pulled me into a hug. I don't resist, the burden of what I and many others have been through over the past six months has worn me down.

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