Chapter 7

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Liam was about to shit his pants. Today he was supposed to meet Harry's family, something he was totally NOT ready for. "Liam, hun, calm down." Rose said from her spot on the couch. Right, Liam had called her over because she was good at helping with Liam's outfit, which he desperately needed help with.

"I can't! How am I supposed to talk to them?!" Liam was panicking. "By talking to them. Look," Rose got up and grabbed Liam's shoulders, "damn, I mean, calm down. They're really nice, believe me. They are going to love you. Just be yourself and everything will be alright. Deep breathes." Liam followed along with Rose and his nerves slowly went away.

"Okay, I got this." Liam said, much more confident. Then there was a knock at the door. Rose went to go answer it because Liam started panicking again. "Hey Rose, I thought I smelled you." Rose smiled and waved as she let Harry in. "Just out of curiosity how do I smell like?"

"Flowers. Meaning your name is spot on." Rose laughed as Harry went over to a pacing Liam. "Come here." Harry cooed as he opened his arms up for Liam. Liam walked into the hug and sighed, feeling his nerves disappearing thanks to his mates touch. "That feels nice." Liam muttered as he wrapped his arms around Harry.

"Babe, we have to go. My family is going to be here soon, and I left the food in the oven." Liam groaned into Harry's chest. "Okay, lets go." Liam sighed as Harry grabbed his hand. Rose followed them outside so Liam could lock up.

"Alright, have fun. I should get going. Someone's supposed to show me around the territory today." Rose smiled after saying that. "Have fun. You can choose if you want to live in a house by yourself of in the Skulk house."

"I think I'll live in the Skulk house. I've been alone for too long." They laughed. "Skulk house?" They turned to Liam. "Okay. I'll explain that later, not now, we don't have time." Harry laughed. "See you around." They hugged Rose before they walked over to Harry's place.

"Wow, you clean up a lot." Liam noted when they walked in. "Hey, my house is never dirty."

"That's not what I said." Liam giggled. Harry went into the kitchen and got the food out of the oven. "Fish, why am I not surprised?" Liam said as Harry chuckled, then there was a knock at the door. Liam stiffened and looked at Harry.

"I'm so sorry, but can you open the door?" Harry's eyes told Liam how sorry he was. "Okay, yeah, I can do that."

"Hey, hey, come here." Before Liam could go Harry pulled him in for a kiss. Liam hummed and sighed into the kiss. "Calm down, they'll love you." Harry muttered against Liam's lips. "Okay." Liam said as Harry let him go.

Liam could still feel the tingling feeling when he walked up to the door. He took a deep breathe before opening the door. He came face to face with a very beautiful woman. She smiled and Liam saw dimples. "Oh my gosh! You must be Liam!" She pulled Liam in for a bone crushing hug.

She pulled away and grabbed his face. "Oh, aren't you a handsome one."

"Mum, stop, I think you're overwhelming him." A younger woman laughed from behind, what Liam assumed, Harry's mum. "Oh, Gemma, look at him. This is such a good mate. The Skulks going to love him!"

"Mum, stop. Look at him, he doesn't know what to think!" Gemma said. She got in-between her and Liam. "Sorry about that. Hi, I'm Gemma. Harry's older sister." She offered Liam her hand, which he could handle.

"Um, hi, I'm Liam." Gemma blinked and looked back at her mum. "Damn." Liam snorted; he couldn't help it. "Sorry." He said as he cleared his throat. "Oh, no, don't be sorry, but please keep talking." Gemma said when she turned around to look at Liam. Liam blushed and wished Harry was here.

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