Chapter 18

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Harry was now the true alpha and Liam couldn't be more proud, but they have yet to fully mate. Harry hasn't brought it up and neither has anyone else, but it still worried Liam.

Now, Liam was planning the mating ceremony and it stressed him to no end. Everything had to be perfect. His family would be there meaning that no one could shift during the ceremony.

Anne was an angle, she had taught Liam how to plan events and balls and whatever else he had to do during those two years.

"Pardon me, alpha, but which color would you like?" Liam looked through the color samples. Why were there so many? He felt dizzy. Then the door opened. When he looked up he saw Harry.

Harry asked everyone if they could have a minute. Once the room was clear Harry sat next to his mate and kissed his forehead. "I can feel the stress 10 miles away." He muttered into Liam's hair line. Liam sighed and cuddled close to Harry.

"We are connected." Harry chuckled and wrapped his arms around Liam's body. "What do you need help with?" Harry then glanced at the color samples that were all over the table. "Holy shit, how many colors are there?" Liam chuckled and closed his eyes. "Maybe all of them. I'm not sure, but it's giving me a headache."

Harry kissed the top of Liam's head and looked through the colors. "How do you feel about lavender?" Liam scrunched up his nose. Harry chuckled and looked around. "How about this nice green?"

"As much as I love your eyes, the only thing green in our ceremony would be the flowers stems." Harry huffed. After an hour of Harry begging Liam finally caved. "Sage green and blush?" Liam nodded and took the color samples from Harry.

"Okay, you have alpha things to do and I have to continue planning the ceremony." Liam shooed Harry out and let the wedding team back in. "What a lovely color choice alpha." The wedding planner said as she looked at the samples in Liam's hand.

"Alright, you can take it from here. We have to go find you a suit." Liam looked up at the voice and smiled. "Gemma, Anne, mum, Ruth, Nicola." The women gave Liam a big group hug.

"Did you forget you still need to find a suit?" His mother laughed. "The ceremony is next year. I think I have enough time."

"True, but this should be the first thing you choose. It takes time to make the suit perfect." Liam listened to Anne, knowing that she knows best, and told the wedding planner to text him if anything happened.


"Liam, I love that one!" Liam looked at himself in the mirror. The white suit did look nice on him, but it didn't feel right. "I know that face. Go pick another." Liam smiled at his mum and followed the lady to the changing room.

They went through about ten suits, each Liam liked, but something always felt missing. Liam huffed as he sat in the dressing room, waiting for another suit. Maybe he was being too picky.

Then his phone buzzed on the table. It was from Harry.

Harry: Your thoughts are so loud. And you're not being picky, you deserve nothing but the best.

Liam blushed and smiled.

Liam: Sorry, didn't realize my thought were getting out of hand.

Liam smiled as he put his phone back on the table. The door opened and the lady brought in the suit. "Okay, I really think you'll like this one." She beamed.

She showed Liam and he did in fact love it. It looked so nice, but how would it look on him?

He put it on, and looked at himself in the mirror. He felt tears whelm up in his eyes and he smiled. "This is perfect." The lady smiled and they walked out so everyone can see him. "Oh, Liam you look so handsome!" Ruth said as she came up and kissed his cheek.

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