Chapter 13

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Liam thankfully came down quickly and said hi to his family. "You guys weren't supposed to be here until tomorrow." Liam said as he kissed his mum. "Yes, but we wanted to spend a little time with you." His mum said. "Did think we'd find your boyfriend here." His father muttered. Liam glanced at Harry who was more than a little nervous.

Maybe I should go home.

No, why?

Babe, I'm shirtless, in joggers, and I most likely smell like sex. You tell me.

Liam glanced at Harry. Just when he was about to open his mouth, he heard his phone ringing in the living room. Harry went to go see who it was. "Hey mum." He answered with a smile. "Wait, you're here too?" Harry walked back into the dining room and looked at Liam.

Liam cocked a brow as he heard Harry talk. "Yeah, I'll be over real soon." Harry hung up and walked up to Liam. "Family's here. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" Without thinking much Harry peaked Liam's lips and walked out. Liam blushed as he looked at his family and smiled. "I'll be right back." Liam chased after him. "Haz!" Harry stopped and looked at Liam. He had his shirt in his hands along with his shoes.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Harry looked at him concerned. "I'm fine, love, but I would like a better kiss then that." Harry chuckled and pulled Liam in by the waist. "Ya sure?" Liam smiled. "Yeah, come here." Harry hummed as Liam pulled him down by the neck and kissed him.

They kissed until Harry pulled away. Liam pouted but Harry just peaked his lips and let him go. "Your family is here, my family is waiting for me at my house, and I don't think our families would like to see their son's snogging in the next room."

Liam chuckled as he opened the back door for Harry. "Fine, I'll see you tomorrow." Harry peaked Liam's lips one last time before he left. "Love you." Liam blushed as Harry said that before he closed the door.

Liam bit his lip as he smiled. He hummed as he walked back into the dining room. But before he could he heard his family talking. "What do you think?"

"I'm not sure. He seems okay, but I don't like that he was here without a shirt on." Liam bit his lip as he heard his parents talking. "Come on, dad, Liam's grownup, you can't get angry at him for, well, ya know." Ruth said.

"Anyway, hun, it's our fault. We should have given him a heads up that we were coming early."

"I don't know. Something seems off about him." Liam turned slightly pale at that. They were going to tell them tomorrow. Tomorrow was going to be the day and now Liam was shitting himself. "What's taking him so long anyway?" He heard his father's footsteps and that's when he rounded the corner.

"Hey, sorry, Harry left his bag." Liam smiled as his father avoided bumping into him. "So?" Liam smiled as he sat down. "Well, he sure is handsome." His sisters were the first to open their mouths. Liam chuckled as he blushed. "You have no idea."

"What does he do?" His father asked as he sat down. "He owns a big company." That was not a lie. Harry had explained that the way the keep their economy up was that they had companies all over the human populated areas. The one who deals with all that was the alpha, but Harry's father already gave him the job so yes, Harry really did own multiple big companies. One of them being music related which is why he was able to take Rose and he's now even talking about Liam coming over and working there with him.

His family seemed impressed and kept asking questions.

Harry got in through the back and quickly let his family in. "Hey, what took so long?" Gemma said as she closed the door behind her. "Sorry, I was at Liam's. Apparently, his family also decided to come early, and I meet then early."

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