Chapter 15

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Harry felt so drained. Its only been a week since he came back to the Skulk, and it looked like he's been hit by a bus. "Hey, bro, you, okay?" Gemma asked as they walked to a meeting. "Yep." That was all he said. Meaning he wasn't fine.

Gemma knew it was because he hasn't seen Liam or been around him or felt him at all. Well, they texted and called, of course, but that wasn't enough for creatures that needed physical contact with their mates.

They entered the meeting, and everyone could tell that Harry was in a bad mood, but they still went ahead with the meeting. Once the meeting was over Harry told Gemma that he was going for a run. On his run Gemma had called Liam to check up on how he was doing, and he wasn't doing that much better.

Liam was in Harry's house, in Harry's bed hugging the teddy bear that he got him. He wasn't going to lie he was crying a little. Everywhere just felt like it was going to crush him or felt like it was too big. He just wanted Harry to hold him and kiss him and make everything feel normal again.

Liam cried as the thought of Harry made the room feel small. He needed to breathe, but everything in the house smelled like Harry and he didn't want to leave. Then Liam remembered the night before Harry left and the feeling suddenly changed into one of need.

If Liam was going to be honest, he hated wearing clothes while he was in bed, so he was ready naked when his started twitching. He whined and wished that Harry was there with him. After a while Liam got bored and decided that maybe he should go out for a walk.

He took a quick shower, using Harry's soap and shampoo because he liked using them more than his own, and going out, but he noticed something was off, but he couldn't really put his finger on it. Liam just shrugged it off and walked around.

Harry was feeling off as well. He wasn't sure why. Not until his sister came bursting into his office. "What's wrong?" Harry got up and ran over. "Wolves, they came out of nowhere. They're surrounding the territory." Harry nodded and was about to leave, but Gemma stopped him. "Harry, you have to run to Liam."

"What? Gem, that's a day and a half away."

"Then run because he's being targeted. They know he's your mate. They're trying to get us to hand over our land through him." Harry's face turned pale as his heart dropped. "But, how do you know this?"

"Remember, we have an insider. Now go! He's already started running over there." Harry nodded and didn't think about anything else. Once he was out of the Skulk house he shifted and ran as fast as he could back home. If he went at full speed with nothing stopping him, he could maybe make it in a few hours. He just hopped that that was enough time to get back to Liam.

Liam had gone back home. For some reason he felt like people were watching him when he was out. Even now, even though all his doors were locked, and everything was closed. Liam wasn't sure if this was because Harry wasn't around, or if something was off.

About an hour later he heard a knock from the back door. He was in the living room watching a movie, so it scared him. He was confused because, why the back door? Then there was another knock, more urgent this time. Liam swallowed the popcorn he had in his mouth and got a knife from the kitchen.

He went over and cracked open the door. Before he knew it, it was pushed open, and a huge man came in and locked the door behind him. He huffed and turned around, only to see that Liam was about to attack.

Liam gritted his teeth as the guy grabbed his wrists so he wouldn't stab him. "Get out of my fucking house!" Liam growled as he tried to kicked him. "Wait! I'm here to help!" The guy said as he tried to get away from Liam's attacks.

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