04;; talking to those who sin can offer you redemption

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04;; talking to those
who sin can offer you

Times when the sun was just setting was when Jungkook felt most content.

Maybe it was because he felt closer to his grandfather, the poor greedy man who died from too much power being placed in his hands. But he had a feeling that if he was here, his mother wouldn't be so resentful.

Although Minhyuk had paid for his debts, Jungkook wondered if sometimes he was simply paying for the times when he skipped a payment.

He led a lonely life. Having Yoongi by his side as a friend was more than enough at the time, but the moment he stepped away from that small circle, he suddenly realised how much he would kill to have someone else by his side.

Seeing Yoongi find someone to love and hold made his heart clench. Why couldn't he have that? Why was he always the one stuck at home, staring at his blank walls whilst his mother squeezed him to death, pestering him about staying up too late.

He was eighteen soon, and he knew he wouldn't be having any type of deserved freedom if he kept living the way he was. But he couldn't find it within himself to stand up to Areum. She was his mother.

And mother usually knows best.

Jungkook sighed, the cold wind picking up on the rooftop, making him shiver slightly. He snuck out, not taking a jacket so Areum simply assumed the boy was in his room.

Luckily to reach the roof, he simply had to climb out of his window, slipping up to the top. It gave him the sense of freedom he had been needing.

Being so high up, the wind on his hair and the bitterness like a knife to his face was a pure reminder that no matter what, he was alive. Sometimes living the same routine can feel autonomous, unreal. Jungkook needed this reality kick.

"You're not going to throw yourself off, are you?"

Jungkook's head whipped round, eyes meeting a pair of black orbs. He instantly recognised the guy - Hoseok. He seemed a little different today. Inside the cafe he was cheerful, joyful, more than willing to help. But the Hoseok that stood before him at the moment seemed full of thought and resentment.

But the younger still pursed his lips, turning back out to the view of the city below. It was a blur of neon and golden, streetlights merging into the buildings as the bars and clubs opened for the night.

"No." He responded, clutching his knees tighter to his chest, picking awkwardly at a fray on his shoes. A deep chuckle sounded from behind him.

"The last man that sat here said that." Hoseok shrugged, coming up to sit beside the younger, throwing his legs over the edge of the building. He reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out a cigarette, twirling it between his fingers. "You're eighteen right?"

"In a few weeks."

Hoseok bit his lip. Had they really been fucking around with a child? He couldn't help but feel a little sorry for the kid. He was barely born, yet he was the son of a man who couldn't stop himself before it was too late. Minhyuk had a lot to answer for, both in Hell and on Earth.

"Then you won't mind if I smoke?" Hoseok slipped the stick between his lips, already reaching for his lighter.

"If I say yes will you do it anyway?" Jungkook responded, eyes turning to glance up at Hoseok, his eyelashes slightly covering his vision. But he could still see the slope of the others nose, and how his lips pursed out giving him a desirable side view.

"Touche." Hoseok chuckled, putting the lighter back, along with the cigarette.

It was quiet for a moment, Hoseok wondering what exactly he was doing here. He knew his family had a mission, but it was highly unlikely to take place now. Would Taehyung really swoop down and steal this boy from a rooftop? Maybe, or maybe he would edge himself in slowly, mock then capture.

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