home sweet home baby pt.2

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everyone had caught up when we all went to get changed and we all decided to look super fancy.

nobody really knew what this is about apart from those of us who knew that charlie was actually well and alive.

i went downstairs again and saw akira and benjamin arm wrestling which made me laugh. akira obviously won.

"roar, come and arm wrestle him. guys place your bets now." everyone who's watching and betting puts down money for me apart from oliviero who has way too much confidence in benjamin.

benjamin gripped my hand tightly and as soon as the countdown was up, i immediately pushed his hand down to the table, hurting his ego, making him lose money and making my family and friends have a source of entertainment.

"that's my girl." my dad said. he liked to say it to all his daughters.

soon enough everyone was ready and we all went to the dining room. oliviero and benjamin looked around in awe, i guess they were used to penthouse luxury.

everybody sat as they buzzed curiously.

kingsley stands and gains everyone's attention.

"i know this is a weird sort of thing and trust me i know but today is a day of remembrance for someone near and dear to most of us." kingsley says.

"is this about charlie?" ashlynn asks.

kingsley nods.

"so why are we dressed to celebrate?" she asks, almost annoyed. i guess losing your twin brother and then having a party of some sort about him is just plain odd.

"we are finally giving charlie what he wanted all this time, us to celebrate his life. everyone who loves him just to here for him and even those loved ones, who don't know him, so that they can hear his story and his courage." kingsley says.

i stand up.

"aurora is going to take us through everything and prepare yourself emotionally because this is going to get really emotional. i'm not kidding. i'll speak what she says." kingsley says and i laugh to myself. so he did know sign language, he was just choosing to be a little bitch.

"charleston aaron murray, born july the 10th at 3:22am, his sister catherine ashlynn murray, following. it was described as the easiest twin birth to handle that year by the hospital, especially considering the montgomery twins had been born 17 days before. god bless mrs. montgomery." everyone religious did the sign of the cross to that. i started the slideshow. the photos were emotional and river teared up a little at the pictures of her family behind there as well. "charlie is the angel of my life, even when he was with us. he was there for me and understood me a hell of a lot more than other people did, i felt a peace with him. he understood everything about everyone and he never judged. charlie will never judge unless there's a solid reason, he's just so rational and level headed." i pattered on some more before revealing the big thing.

everybody was emotional, even mia.

"we've decided to update the statue of charlie to make it have a smile." i said.

that's when pin runs in.

"the statue is gone, someone has taken it!" pin shouts in conviction as he spits word down his mic.

everyone looks around in confusion but river just has a little smirk on her face.

"what are you smiling about river? this isn't funny. i took the statue though."charlie says as he walks in with the statue.

it gets so eerily silent. so silent that went ashlynn starts screaming, everyone can hear it.

she runs up to him and hugs him, tight.

and Rory was her nameWhere stories live. Discover now