our last goodbye

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We needed to leave the house to locate the mole and how they were getting the information.

I opened my closet and let the girls in, my closet led to the girls which further led into their rooms. That would be enough time for the house to be cleared out and stripped of it's handiwork. The only rooms that were requested not to be stripped back was my room and Akira's room. Everyone had their own room in this house because we could fit everyone in, no problem.

"Which way is it to my closet Rory? I left a bunch of clothes here when we came last month." Leila said.

"We need to stick together, we'll make trips to our closets, together. What happened was serious." Savannah said, like her mum, she cared a lot about other people.

I grabbed 20 pairs of underwear (unnecessary but I do it anyway), 7 bras, 7 hoodies, 10 t-shirts, 5 pairs of jogging bottoms, 5 pair of leggings, 20 pairs of socks, two pairs of slides, a pair of Nike running trainers and some for training, 2 pairs of air max 97s and 1 pair of AF1's.

I then moved to my toiletry cupboard. I grabbed a backpack and put many, many packets of pads. I grabbed a wash-bag and put my toothbrush, toothpaste, medication, face washes, face cleansers and makeup in a makeup bag.

"You guys should pack some period products and toiletries here." I sign. I had plenty of sores for situations like these. Elizabeth also owned 50% of a skincare company meaning I was provided with a shit ton of skincare products and fortunately they were all good, my skin was clear as a result.

"Damn girl you have a whole load of products in here." Maya said.

"I'm inclined to agree." Logan said. Although it was strained, she had managed not to stutter.

"Woah Logan! You didn't stutter! I'm so proud!" Maya said pulling her into a hug which we all gladly joined.

"I've b-been p-practising!" She says, excited, I think.

"That's good Jay but you need to rest your voice, you haven't been to speech therapy in a while. You may be damaging your voice if you're not careful." Leila said. 

Logan just nodded her head gratefully.

"I think we should just pack a backpack bag full of sanitary products. We may be gone for a while." Savannah said.

"That's true Sav, we'll take one backpack of sanitary products, one backpack of skincare and one backpack of makeup. We all wear makeup, right?" Maya said.

We all nodded.

"My skin will be cleared after this!" Maya said, she'd been struggling with chronic acne since she was 10 but now at 18, her skin had cleared up so much. She nearly had clear skin. She ways beautiful either way, skin clear or not.

"Yeah have you seen Rory's skin, it's amazing!" Savannah said, she was still struggling with acne.

"I believe that's her genetics as well. Her parents have amazing skin." Maya said and I smiled.

Once we had finished packing our toiletries, I let out a long sigh.

I never thought this time would come.

"Guys it's time to show you it." I signed.

"Show us what?" Savannah said, clearly confused.

"Just... follow me." I sign.

I walk across the closet and walk to a hollow panel. I press the middle bit and twist it, a hiss of air releases and the door opens, pushing my clothes aside.

and Rory was her nameWhere stories live. Discover now