samir got fucked up

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We sat in English as we waited for the teacher. Miss Carter had been sacked and we couldn't be more grateful.

We had Mrs. Donovan now.

She had to come from the English classrooms all the way across the school and so we were told to wait.

I looked around the class, I looked at the faces. I recognised that the class was in alphabetical order.

Alanna was placed next to Akira who was grinning across the classroom at his girlfriend, Nox to us but to him, she was Izzy. They had been together for one year now and how'd they grown together was truly amazing.

You see the thing with those of us in the highest advanced class was that some of had some sort of mental illness, with extra smarts always came a some sort of disadvantage. Nox used to be scared to touch people without her gloves and/or spraying them with her cleansing spray but thanks to Akira, she had overcome that fear. She still kept everything she owned spotless but I understood that.

Arya and Asa sat together and I watched as they mingled. They had always been close and I was no longer jealous of that, Arya was the casual athlete and Asa was the hotshot athlete. Akira, Asa and I were well sought amongst British Uni scouts, as well as the occasional American ones who were adamant in convincing us to go their colleges instead of the British ones. I was going to an American College because I would have to stay here to look after Elizabeth Enterprises and that was a commitment I was going to make.

Ana would manage if I was away, in Argentina, she had managed to land her and Amelia an education through homeschooling, whoever took them forgot about them and that was the best mistake they made.

Anna and Amelia graduated from University in England because they managed to work themselves up and land a ticket to England.

On arrival they weren't sure what to do because they had no money left but suddenly someone started putting money in their joint account

They left a message with the transactions.

DM $1,000,000
AU $1,000,000
DM $1,000,00

They saw the message straight away, they knew that they'd be home soon. They went and continued their education with no trouble. They no longer feared the heinous crimes of Argentina as the ones in England were far less likely to happen and they were less devastating.

They were careful, someone would be out to get them.

One day, they were walking home from Uni, Ana was doing her Masters (she managed to complete within 2 years rather than 8 because of her advanced level of work)

Cambridge, depending on what part you lived in, was relatively safe, so when a man and a woman started following them, they knew that these people weren't strangers, they were there for them.

They didn't run straight away though, there was something about this man and woman. They seemed familiar.

They walked up to them, weapons concealed in their socks and pockets.

But there was no need for them.

No need.

It was mum and dad. That was how part of our family got back together again, they travelled back to Argentina after completing their studies.

They were greeted by two boys, boys who they were told were there siblings.

Two brothers was nice to them.

and Rory was her nameWhere stories live. Discover now