farwell for now

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I put my glasses on and sighed in content. I didn't mind my prescription coloured contacts but I cried so much that my, fairly expensive coloured contacts were being misused. They also dried my eyes out beyond belief, so it was safe to say that being reunited with my glasses was the best thing to do in regards to my eyesight. My regular coloured contacts weren't as drying but they still were a pain in the arse.

I walked out of the bathroom, sitting down in my seat next to my unfortunate exchange partner.

I had two massive suitcases packed with clothes and essentials.

A lot of medication, that's for sure.

I had medication for my: depression, anxiety, Aspergers, insomnia, my inevitable nightmares and my PTSD.

And that one other thing that my heart had not come to terms with.

Sure it made sense that I had it.

But on top of my Aspergers, it made everything so much more complicated.

And it was only getting worse.

They had identified it but were struggling to give me the right medicine or dosage on top of all my other medications.

The condition wasn't all too serious but it was getting so bad that I was getting nightmares about it.

Meaning my nightmare medication was not working.

It scared me so much and they left my family scared for my well-being.

They were scared that I could be slipping away once again.

My dad was so proud of me but he knew that these would be the big struggles and woes of my life.

I was glad that haphephobia didn't have have a treatment or a cure, that may have sounded so bad but it was incredible for my development as a person to grow out of it.

I was ready to meet life head on and I was so willing to try that it hurt that I couldn't progress as I should.

As Kira did, as Archa is in the process of doing. Progressing constantly.

Maybe I was just a lost cause in this merciless world. I was holding on by strings now, my happiness no longer there.

Sure, yesterday I cried happy tears but happy tears are not the same thing as true and raw happiness. The tears were also undoubtedly from being overwhelmed.

I sighed as Kingsley's fingers snapped in front of my face bringing me back to reality.

I looked around and properly sucked in to my surroundings.

I had zoned out but I had never stopped observing or listening.

I know Mr Kareem was going on about how he was so proud of all of us for making it. How this was a prestigious event to be accepted for and great for our future jobs and CVs.

I sighed knowing that would be of no use.

I had already said goodbye to my family, the process long and difficult.

"Oh by the way, we need to act like a couple." He said as he grabbed my hand. "I don't want to be in a dingy apartment with you. I'd rather live at someone else's house."

I tensed and tried to retract my hand.

He wouldn't budge.

As cliché as it sounds, his large hands encapsulated mine and I for one, did not like it.

and Rory was her nameWhere stories live. Discover now