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I jolted awake to the sound of shouting and crying. It wasn't a child, it was definitely an adult and I didn't recognise it meaning it could've only been Ana, Amelia, Mom or Dad.

I got out of my bed and slipped on my sliders. I put my glasses on and walk to my door, clicking it softly shut as I make my way to the direction the shouting was coming from.

It was coming from the second floor for sure, meaning I had to walk down 2 flights of stairs.

I softly padded downstairs and heard someone behind me. It was 3 of my other 4, the boys. The footsteps were heavy and we were the only ones on the fourth floor anyway.

We made it to the 2nd to hear our parents shouting at each other.

They were supposed to be on their honeymoon.

I tiptoed over to the edge of their door and say there. Everyone followed suit. We could see figures approaching. It was Ana, Amelia, Asha, Arka and Archa. They sat on the other side and we listened.


"I DIDNT WANT TO HURT YOU GUYS, YOU GUYS MEAN THE WORLD TO ME." Mom replier, her voice wavering.

"YOU DID A GREAT JOB! A GREAT JOB! YOU HAVE ONE WEEK LEFT." My dad screamed. It hurt my ears like hell but I needed to listen.

One week left of what?

"I KNOW I KNOW, I CANT BARE TO TELL THEM XANDER, I CANNOT." I hear movement. She's sobbing and her sobbing is muffled. I know he's hugging her.

"They're our children, whether or not you want to hurt them. You have to tell them. You can't," He struggles to breathe, "pass away and not tell them."

My mind goes blank. I can hear the blood rushing in my ears. Then someone screams.

Asha screams, crying.

"Ash, is that you my love?" Mom says, walking out the door holing Dad's hand.

She stops short when she sees us. There seems to be some sort of process happening in her mind because she goes blank.

She goes white, her breathing rapid.
She clutches her chest.
She crumples to the floor and dad lays her on his knees as he sits down.
Her breaths slow, they don't just slow, they seem to stop.
She reaches for my hand.
I take it.
We all take each of her hands.

"I love you guys, so much. I know what you guys are going to say, hold on a little longer but I can't."

We hear footsteps across the floor. We look up to see Aja and Azula. They know something is wrong without being told, they hold her hand as well.

"I've been ill for a long time and they tried to treat it but they couldn't. It's a miracle I survive this long. In Argentina, I was exposed too many carcinogens. I developed pancreatic cancer. It has the lowest survival rate. They tried to treat me but they couldn't. I'm sorry, I didn't tell you. I love you guys, so much. More than you could ever know."

The last words she speaks are weak and her grip loosens on my hand. Her head goes limp.

I don't realise what's happened until I reach to her wrist to put her upright. I hold her wrist for a split second but even then I knew that there was no pulse.

I panicked.

I check all the pulse points.

I put my head to her chest.

I scream.

She's dead.

My mom is dead.

She died in the arms in those that she loved but damn, did that shit hurt for a long time after.

and Rory was her nameKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat