concrete jungle where dreams are made of...

13 0 5


I woke to the slight push of the fight attendant.

"Hi miss, this young lady here doesn't have a ticket but claims that you've invited her here. May I add that she's taking photos of you two." She says, trying to bite Gracia, the 'young lady', in the ass.

I fake smile at Gracia seeing as I didn't have the energy for a real one and nod at the flight attendant.

"So you're just going to let her take photos of you guys?" She says, still trying to get Gracia into trouble.

I reach into my pocket and pull out a very fake business card that Gracia had prepared.

"Gracia Moreno

"Oh I'm sorry for bothering you guys." She says, her cheeks flushing red.

I put the card back in my pocket, get comfortable again and fall back asleep, inhaling the fresh, unknown scent.

I jump up out of my sleep when I realise what the scent is, or rather who the scent is.

"Oh put your fucking head down Montgomery, I was so warm." Kingsley says pulling my head down back into his chest.

"Damn Kingsley, you couldn't come up with a more creative nickname?" Gracia says. 

"I do have one for her, I'm just not saying it in front of you." He says. I guess it's not a lie seeing as he does call me 'freak' a lot.

Gracia comes up to us and studies his face.

She hmphs before moving back, obviously seeing that he isn't lying. 

I sit there stiff and trying my hardest not to touch Kingsley while still giving off the idea that we actually like each other.

Kingsley senses it and pulls me in, he pats my head like you would pat a babies head and shushes me simultaneously 'it's okay, don't be scared.' Those vibes.

He's the scared one.

However, the tapping does put me at ease and my eyes start to shut once again. I open my eyes to see Gracia smiling in adoration.

Ughhhh. She's so fond of us that it would even hurt to try and fake breakup or anything even remotely like that, even then, she'd beg Kingsley for us to get back together.

Kingsley kisses my forehead out of nowhere, making me look up at him.

Gracia squeals and I know she's got a photo of that.

He then pulls the blanket over our head and instead of him pushing me away, like I thought he would, he pulls me in closer and rests his chin on my head. His arms tighten around me even more.

"Thank you, Mars." He whispers.

I should've known that he was in that subconscious state but something didn't quite add up here.

Before I could think of why, my mind said night night and I fell asleep.


I wake up to another nudge of the flight attendant, this time asking me if I would like some food. I get some food for Kingsley though.

I look to see how long we have left of our flight.


and Rory was her nameWhere stories live. Discover now