Chapter Thirty Three

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Third Person's POV

"Where are you?" Arjun asked him.

"Well, why the hurry, my boy. I am sure you must be desperately waiting to meet your dear uncle, but you must be patient because now is not the right time." He said and started laughing.

Arjun could hear some screams coming from the background and a chill ran down his spine when he thought about the mere fact of those screams belonging to his sister. He can never forgive himself if something happens to her and if he fails to protect her just because of his foolishness.

"Who is that?" Arjun asked, clenching his teeth. He wanted to beat the shit out of this vulgar man but he was trying to stay in control so as to not spoil his plan.

"Oh! So, I guess you must have heard those melodious screams." He said, laughing.

He truly was a sadist who derived pleasure from others' pain and Arjun wanted nothing to do but to smash him into pieces.

Arjun took a deep breath and tried to focus his attention on the impending issue which was his current concern right now.

"Well, I am sure I'll be able to take you down soon." Arjun said, calmly.

The sudden change in his voice surprised his uncle but he chose to disregard that and instead focused on the words that Arjun had spouted.

"You think you can find me and defeat me? Well, then you truly are more dimwitted than I had initially thought. Were you able to find me? No. You are still stuck there, searching for me like a fool that you are. You can never find me." He stressed and then laughed.

Arjun smirked in response and said,
"I wonder why you are still trying to terrify me because according to me, you are just a coward who's hiding behind the shadows of your misdoings. A coward and a man blinded by greed and jealousy. Yes, that's what you are." Arjun said, smugly.

He was obviously trying to provoke his uncle and tricking him to reveal his secret location, the place where he's hiding along with his sister.

"W-what.. y-you little piece of shit. I am not a coward and I'll see you end. The second you put your foot inside my place, you will be dead meat." He stated in anger.

He was now yelling at Arjun and blinded by rage, he revealed his location asking him to come alone without cops and defeat him in order to save his sister.

Arjun smiled smugly. He knew this was going to work out. His uncle thought that he was smart but he surely was vain, where the slightest of his words had managed to prick him.

This was the outcome he desired so he was ecstatic with the results. Now there's only one thing left to do. He has to teach his uncle a lesson and ensure that his life now becomes a living hell.

"Navya, I want you to listen to me carefully. I...I am going to bring back my sister at any cost. My uncle..he's cruel and there are chances that he might attempt something in you guys too, so I just want you to be careful. Alright?" Arjun said, seriously.

"But Arjun, why can I and Reyansh come with you? It's not safe for you to go there alone without help." Navya said, anxiously.

She was scared to death about what would happen if he went there alone, his uncle was not a good man and he certainly shouldn't risk his life with his reckless behaviour.

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