(1) Six

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The sound of her frightened yell as she watched her plummet into the water with the monster that chased her. The loud splash and inhumane screech that echoed in the air and reaching her ears. She can't do anything about it. She has to survive. For the girl and for herself.


The deafening sound of static, the painful feeling of her limbs being stretched out horrendously as she could only lay there and take it all in. The pain was only temporary anyways. The sound of the music box relaxed her. It was ... comforting....Alas that peace was disrupted. The sound of screams reached her ears once more as she ran. Ran from the flesh of the disgusting tower. Ran away from him.

She didn't have a choice, she thinks she doesn't have a choice. Those eyes, that face. It all seemed so horrifying once she knew what he would be. It was an inevitable decision. She had to survive. He was a liability. It was too risky. She had to let him go that day. Of course she used her powers to take some of his own, the feeling of an unknown burst of energy quickly subsided as she went through the static area. Alone once more. Now an empty husk of herself. The price to pay for a power thats not hers. All the while the humane part of her became a shadow, always appearing when hungry. Constantly reminding her that she made her choice. Whether it was good or bad.

Six is a survivor. Whether she is alone or not, her survival is always the first thing that she will prioritize.


Total words for this chapter: 275

Yeah totally making these notes now.

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