(18) Hello, old friend

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Mono felt himself being dragged somewhere, he doesn't even know what had happened after Seven covered his eyes with some sort of blindfold. He's proud of the fact that the boy learned to control his powers more but also regrets teaching him since he used it against his mentor. Static boy could only guess that Seven is gonna take him to the maw, he doesn't know how long it'll take him but he hoped it'd take less than an hour. If he kept dragging him against the ground like this he's gonna have some bruises on his legs.

Minutes passed and Mono can feel the cold dirt get replaced by warm soil. No wait its familiar....its sand? Wait was the maw somewhere around the beach? Seven never really told him any specific locations, go figures since he waited A MONTH to tell him about the fact that the person that left him in a loop for 3 years AND that she's the lady AND THE FACT THAT HE'S DATING HER--

What's with Six and attracting strangely violent people? Well he didn't actually excpect her to even DATE anyone especially with how quiet and distant she was...and the fact that she is the lady was a bigger surprise. I mean who would've thought someone like Six would even step up to the role? Not Mono. He would never think that.

Mono's thoughts are cut off by the feeling of cold floorboards. He shivered at the feeling, feeling himself freeze up a bit. "We're at the maw," Seven spoke up for the first time during his kidnapping. Mono growled under his breath "Then can you stop DRAGGING me on the floorboards? Its COLD," he spat harshly. Mono couldn't see his expression but he can guess that Seven somewhat ignored him. "I'll be leaving you in a room then I'll call Kyra. Please don't escape, I don't wanna break your leg," Mono goes silent at his words, he sounded so calm when he said that he was planning on breaking his leg. Not that hes surprised. He'd sound pretty normal too if he threatens someone under normal circumstances.

Mono didn't reply to his words as he let himself get dragged away and into whatever room Seven got him into. He felt himself get set onto a...chair? He feels its a chair. "Stay put," Seven ordered him before leaving. Mono thinks he left by the sound of his footsteps. Since he was alone now he may as well formulate on what to do.

It has only been 5 minutes and Mono could hear footsteps again, it sounded like only 1 person was approaching. Did Seven ask someone to fetch him or finish him off?

"I cannot believe you've done this," a voice spoke up, it was somewhat difficult to understand due to the way the voice sounds. He can assume it was a girl.

"I didn't have a choice! He was gonna knock me out and run away! Its been a month already, Six HAS to apologize to him," Seven spoke up. Wait...2 people are here? He didn't hear 2 seperate footsteps.

"So you chose to kidnap him? Also why did you even cover his eyes?" The voice sounded disappointed in him. Something about the voice sounds...familiar though.   "I didn't want him to teleport away...I mean at least I didn't break any bones right?"

"Seven...."  the voice threatened, making the younger boy huff and release him from his blindfolds. Mono shuts his eyes tightly at the sudden light before slowly blinking them. He was in some sort of bedroom, a huge bed was behind him and in front of him was Seven and...a shadow? No wait he knows this shadow. The static child that was left behind when Six was taken 3 years ago. Never thought he'd see her here.

"I'm sorry about kidnapping you.." Seven sulks, bringing two fingers together (👉👈) as he looks at the ground guiltily. Its funny how quick the boy is to change moods. Mono narrows his eyes at him "Sorry isn't gonna fucking cut it," he hissed. Mono glanced around the room before going quiet once he realized the room was fairly dark, which meant Seven was at an advantage. Great. No way of escaping.

"Can you free my arms and legs now? Please?" Seven glances at him, head tilted to the side as he frowns "You won't try to leave right?"

Mono sighed before shaking his head "I won't," more like he can't.

Seeing how genuine his reluctance was, Seven smiled and released him from his shadow binds. The half-shadow boy glances back at Kyra "Mind calling Six over? Don't tell him about Mono though, I don't want her to think about running away,"

Kyra nods her head before rubbing her forehead in a frustrated manner before disappearing into thin air.

Silence filled the room for a good while until Seven broke the ice. "...Wanna talk while we wait? I'm sure you have some questions..." Mono sighs before rubbing his wrists "Sure..not like we have anything else to do at the moment anyways,"

15 minutes later...

Frantic footsteps could be heard, causing Mono and Seven to stop speaking.

Six pops out of the door way, sweat trickling down her forehead. "Seven!" she yelled out worriedly. Whatever Kyra told her seems to have freaked her out.

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Six halts in her tracks, eyes wide as she stared at the person standing next to him. Her body froze up as she opens her mouth to utter a name she hasn't uttered for so long "...Mono?" she sounded disbeliefed with what was in front of her. Clearly not believing her eyes. Only after Mono started speaking did she find out it was all real.

"Nice to meet you again, old friend,"


Total word count for this chapter: 972

Sorry for the long wait everyone! I'm sure you were excited to read about Six and Mono's reunion but you must be patient a wee bit longer ;)

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