(4) What are you?

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Six squints her eyes in hopes to get a better look at whatever is staring at them. "Are you sure its a shadow?" she asked her counterpart quietly "Yes. Unlike you I can actually tell if we were being followed,"  Six stopped thinking at that point   "...Excuse me what?" "It's been following us throughout the week. Sometimes it'd leave for a few hours then come back," "HOW did you notice that...thing?" Six motions towards the hidden figure with both of her arms "HOW?" she asked once more, not really believing that a shadow has been following them ever since she killed that lady. Her shadow merely stared at her before shrugging her shoulders "A gut feeling," "You don't even have---" she lets out an exasperated sigh "You know what? Nevermind,"

The girl shook her head before glancing once more towards the figure. "Hey!" she called out, it must be her imagination but she swore she saw the shadow flinch at her voice. Six thinks for a bit before deciding to order the shadow over, if her shadow was right about the other shadows following orders then it'll work. "Come here!" she yelled out, causing her shadow to stare at her in confusion. Though she didn't seem to comment on it.

With Runaway....

Runaway flinched once he heard her call out to him, body freezing in place as he stared. Almost as if he was waiting for something. As soon as the order to come over was spoken, he immediately started walking.

He couldn't stop himself from moving, its if his body just moved on its own without his permission. The light above the yellow coated girl's ceiling shone down on the two. Runaway can feel his body burning away the more closer he got to the light. How was her shadow not affected by the light? Is she immune to it?

"WAIT STOP!" the girl yelled out out of the blue, immediately halting Runaway's march instantly. Did she just remember that shadows are weak to light? "Fuck I forgot that shadows can't deal with light," he heard her mutter under her breath. He was at least 6 feet apart from her but he could hear her. The shadow boy didn't say anything , almost as if he wasn't allowed to. His body remained stiff like a statue..or a mannequin to be more exact. He was unmoving, as well as quiet. It freaked her out a bit, the motionless shadow unnerved her.

"Ask him a question," the girl's shadow told her

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"Ask him a question," the girl's shadow told her. The girl thought for a bit, thinking about what kind of question to ask him. "What are you? You're not like other shadow kids," The girl observed him, though she did not dare take a step forward towards him. "You look more...human than them,"

Runaway seemed to flinch at her words, a strange sense of disappointment stirred within him. Disappointed in himself...wait why should he be disappointed? "I am a 'defective' ," he answered "A what?" Runaway stared at the girl for a few moments before answering "A defective shadow. An incomplete soldier," Runaway didn't know anything about 'defective' shadows but he had guesses on what it is.

Voices swirled in his mind, his own thoughts invading his head as he tried to drown them out.

'Our lady is disappointed. She does not wish to see a defective shadow like me,'

'I am a disappointment to her, aren't I? I failed as a shadow'

Runaway was even unsure if those thoughts were truly his own, it was as if another entity took over his brain. He didn't have these kind of thoughts before, why did it appear now?

"Are you disappointed in me, my lady?" he spoke up, shocking both Six and her shadow. "Did I not meet your expectations? Am I useless to you? Did I fail?" She was bombarded with depressing questions. It made her uncomfortable but Runaway didn't seem to see it.

"Did you not wish to help those children? Do you wish for us shadows to kill them?" what is he talking about!? This isn't him! He cared about those kids, he wanted them to survive! Why can't he stop talking!?

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"Did you not wish to help those children? Do you wish for us shadows to kill them?" what is he talking about!? This isn't him! He cared about those kids, he wanted them to survive! Why can't he stop talking!?

Six's POV on the matter

"WAIT! You....you're the one who fed those kids?" Six spoke up, cutting him off from whatever he was about to say next. He's the one who issued the order!? Or was it another shadow?!Almost instantly, the shadow's mood changed. "Yes my lady, I saw you check on the children occasionally so I assumed you wished to see them survive," he (she thinks its a he by the way hit sounds) answered truthfully "...Is that not what you wish?" Six hesitated a bit, unsure of what to say. If she says no, will this shadow assume she doesn't want them alive and kill them? She can't let that happen.

Ah. Why? Why can't she let it happen? Her emotions are clouding her judgement. Why does she care anyways---

"Keep them fed and alive," her shadow suddenly spoke up from beside her, snapping her out or her thoughts. The shadow child seem to snap his head towards her shadow's direction. "Is that an order, my lady?" he asked her, head tilted to the side a bit. What the fuck is wrong with this shadow?

"Yes its an order," Six opened her mouth to speak before closing it. She doesn't want to say anything she'll regret so she only nodded to her shadow's words.

The shadow child bowed before straightening himself back again. "As you wish my lady, is there anything else I can assist you with?"

The question made Six ponder a bit, since the kid she's currently speaking to is a shadow, surely he knows about stuff she doesn't know right?

"Tell me what shadows are,"


Total words for this chapter: 968

Sad that it didn't reach the 1k but hey at least it almost did :P

Also poggers, double update.

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