(23) Rest

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Seven felt darkness envelope his body, instead of feeling as though he was suffocated, he felt at peace. As though he was safe. Since when has the darkness been something that comforted him?

Maybe its due to the fact that he's partly a shadow child now, lots of shadow children tend to linger in dark areas anyways so thats probably the case.

He remembered being fearful of the dark due to the constant dangers that lurk in the surroundings. Now he felt...safe...at home. It was a strange feeling.

A few minutes in the dark, the boy began feeling something cold yet familiar upon his head. He knows who it is but wondered where the warm touch is? Usually the cold touch is accompanied by something warm.

Before he knew it, he found himself slowly waking up. Eyes opening slowly in case there was light in the room and to his surprise, there was none. Though the room was fairly dark, he can still see. Its not a shadow kid perk, his eyes just got used to the darkness eventually, part of it was enhanced due to his newfound powers. Though there are some parts he couldn't see, it was better than nothing.

"My sleeping beauty is awake," a certain shadow cooed from beside him, their cold touch removing itself from his forehead.

"Kyra...? What are you doing here? Where's Six?" Seven glanced at the figure known as Kyra, aka Six's shadow and aka a part of Six that she lost in the tower. Its kind of confusing to think about it but even though Kyra came from Six's soul, she had a mind of her own. Her own feelings, her own thoughts. Like she was a different person.

"Did you forget already? And here I was hoping you'd at least remember what you promised to the others yesterday," Kyra shook her head in disappointment, her purple colored eyes staring at him in disbelief. Ah...maybe he's been having memory issues due to the lack of sleep these days.

"Sorry...can you tell me what I promised?..." He asked sheepishly, giving the shadow the smile she oh so cherished. Seven didn't know how much his smile affected her but seeing how Kyra tried to avert her eyes, it was sort of effective.

"Ugh fine....this is the last time.." the shadow sighs softly before staring at Seven in a serious manner "You need to start fixing that memory problem of yours, who knows what you'll forget next,"

"But I'd never forget how much I love you," "Don't even start," she warned him in a lighthearted tone. "Anyways, you promised everyone the other day that you'd take a rest for a day or two---"   "Then I'll just rest for a day and get back to w---"  "Slow down there, shadow boy, I'm not finished. You DID say that you were only going to rest for a day but with Mono threatening to lock you in a room and Five thinking of drugging you, you retracted your statement and agreed to rest for a WEEK,"   "Excuse me a WEEK? Kyra I need to help---"

"No you do not. We can handle the maw ourselves," she reached out and placed a cold hand on his cheek "That 2 day coma you had goes to show how much rest you desperately need before you start shutting down again,"

"That was like 2 weeks ago...I'm fine now," Kyra flicks his forehead harshly, causing the boy to yelp and hold the spot where she flicked him. "Actually it has only been a week since that incident and I'd rather not have another heart attack of the possibility of you going through an even longer sleep,"

"I said I was sorry...."   "Sorry doesn't change the fact that you passed out due to exhaustion, Seven," Kyra frowns at him, causing Seven to feel guilty once more that he worried everyone, especially Six and Kyra.

"Anyways, I'm here now because I had a hunch you'd forget and get back to work so I'm here to make sure you don't do any of that and RELAX,"  "Where's Six though?" Seven wondered where she was, Kyra didn't explain why she wasn't here.

Shadows of Fate: A Little Nightmares AU (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now