(19) A chance

540 19 16

"Well, well, well! Look who it is!" static boy raised his arms up to dramaticise the moment before putting them down to his sides. "Its been 3 years since I last saw you," an emotionless smile rose on his face as his eyes held a dangerous glint in them "3 years since you left me alone in that tower to suffer countless of loops over and over YOU SON OF A B--" Seven places a hand on Mono's shoulder, snapping him out of his rage as he flinched at his touch. Mono inhales then exhales before shrugging his hand off. "Your friend over there told me about what happened during youe stay here," he uttered, eyes narrowed.

Six stared at him wide eyed, still in shock as she tries to believe that this was REAL and that she wasn't hallucinating this time. Tears began streaming down her face as she struggled to make out words to say to him, she wanted to tell him so many things. About the maw, about why she did it and that she was sorry about what she did to him.

Mono didn't seem to care if the girl in yellow was having trouble with her words as he approached her slowly, fists clenched. Seven didn't stop him, he only observed as everything went down.

"Mono I--I'm sorry I didn't mean to-I HAD to-" Six was cut off by Mono punching her cheek harshly, making her stumble back and almost trip. She raised her hand carefully before placing it on the bruise, wincing at the sudden sting before staring at him quietly. "Why so shocked? You didn't expect me to do something as compensation for all the bullshit you put me through?" he snarled, eyes darkening before going back to normal.

Seven sighs before looking at Six with an apologetic gaze "I promised him to let him punch you once in exchange that he won't kill you..." he explained to the girl carefully. Six only stared at Seven before looking back at Mono, who only glared back at her.

"My forgiveness will not be easily given especially after what you put me through," Mono inahles then exhales "...but I'll give you a chance..One last chance," if it weren't for Seven, Mono would've made the girl suffer painfully. Of course he doesn't want to see Seven be distraught about it, even after he kidnapped him, he still saw him as a friend of some sort.

"I understand..." Six smiles at him, ignoring the sting on her cheek "Thank you..." Mono rolls his eyes at her. Since when did she become so emotional ? Maybe that's Seven's fault..not that far off especially since he got him to open up to him. "Don't thank me, thank your crazy partner over there," he motions a hand towards Seven who only waved before approaching Six to examine the damage Mono made.

"Is your cheek alright? Do you want me to kiss the pain away?" he cooed to the girl ever so affectionately as he delicately traced a hand over her bruised cheek. It was bleeding a bit, how hard does Mono even punch? Six winced a bit at the sudden touch before giggling and leaning against his hand. "You could if you want to, it'll hurt a bit but I don't mind," she replied, closing her eyes as she enjoyed the comfort.

Mono stared at them getting all 'affectionate' with each other before gagging, seemingly disgusted by the loving atmosphere the two let out. "Don't do that shit in front of me, go get a room," he hissed, causing Seven to let out a laugh.

"Get used to the room, this is yours. I'll be calling you once dinner is ready," Wait he can cook? Also it still surprised him that Seven seemingly accepted him with open arms after he threatened the current lady/his lover's life. Thats one of the traits that seemed to have drawn him towards him anyways so he won't complain.

Before Six and Seven left to get the girl's wound treated, Seven turned towards him "You can start eating with the other kids if you want, make some friends you know?" Seven smiles "This is your home now,"

His words made Mono ponder a bit at the thought before nodding his head with a small smile "That'd be nice..." he answered. The half-shadow boy smiles widely at his answer, seemingly excited to introduce the other kids to him. "Alright! Rest up! You've had a VERY long day," "I wonder who's fault that is," Seven snickers before leaving the room with Six.

Once he was alone, Mono climbed onto the huge bed and discards his coat, setting it aside on the soft mattress. He lays down on the bed, relishing the feeling of a soft bed against his back. It felt...nice.

Mono closed his eyes 'Home huh...?' he smiles slightly at the thought 'I don't mind starting a beginning here...' with that, he drifted off to sleep.


Total words for this chapter: 836

Sorry for the long wait! Also no art in this one :P

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