(12) You what?

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Seven was in the library, a stack of books was beside him. Why does he have books you ask? To know what he was feeling around Kyra and Six. Of course since he can't specify what he was feeling, he got the books that are seemingly right. Hell, one of them was even a dictionary.

Since the library was basically the other shadows' territory, he kept his mask on. The good thing about today though is that he was alone, the shadow kids left him alone since they still do not like him all that much. Not that he minds anyway, he doesn't mind if he only has 2 friends.

The shadow boy scanned through the pages, squinting his eyes as he tries to make out the words. Before they got sent off to get eaten, one of the older kids taught Seven how to read. His education may not be much but he makes do with what knowledge he has.

First book he read was something about diseases, there were some difficult words but he tried to find specific ones. Like feeling all embarassed around someone. Feeling like they want to hold someone close to them and not let them go.

He spent at least an hour searching through the book before giving up and setting it down. Seven grabs the dictionary and flips through the pages yet again. He stops once he found a definition for a certain word.

"An...inte..intense feeling...of deep...affection," he let the words roll off his tongue as he hums. He still has trouble reading but hey it was something. He'll practice his pronounciation once he has time.

"Is that what I'm feeling around them?" he wondered quietly

"What are you feeling around who exactly?"

"Kyra and Six...the book here says that its an intense feeling of affection...it also means a great interest in something or someone?"

"What's the word?"

"Its love!" Seven smiles before freezing up once he realized he was no longer alone. He slowly turns his head around before blushing profusely once he realized who it was "Kyra!? What are you doing here!?" the shadow whispered. "I was trying to find you," she answered simply before smiling. "What are you reading?"

"A dictionary...." he answered "Why?" she tilts her head at him curiously "I wanted to know the word about what I feel around you and Six," He shyly spoke, moving the book up to cover his face, yes he has his mask on but he's still embarassed that she caught him in the act.

"You feel something around me and Six? Care to tell me what it is?" Kyra pressed on with her questions. "W-well its um...I feel all weird and giddy when I'm around you guys..." he mumbled "a...and I well..ah....I want to hold you guys like really close to me for a long time," he can't really explain it that much since he doesn't know what he was feeling.

"Really? I actually feel that way about you too!" Kyra chirped out cheerfully, causing Seven to place the book down and stare at her. He felt...relieved for some reason? And happy? Why is he happy?

"I actually know the word you are looking for!"

"Really!? What is it?" Seven leans close, eagerly wishing to know the answer to his questions. "Take off your mask first," the girl ordered, Seven complied almost immediately. Carefully discarding his fragile mask and setting it down on the floor gently.

Without any warning whatsoever, Kyra leaned close and kissed his cheek. Seven's eyes went wide as his cheeks flare up with a shade of blue. He held his cheek with a dumbfounded look on his face. Mouth opening and closing as he tries to make out what had happened.

"The word is 'love' ," Kyra smiles slyly, eyes having a glint of mischief. "You love me...and Six. That feeling you feel around us is called love,"

Seven covered his face before lowering them slowly "L-love..? I...love..you?" he still seemed a bit confused on what Kyra meant but it made his heart--well he doesn't have a heart but--it made his heart feel all affectionate.

"And I love you too, you dork," Kyra snickered before moving behind Seven to embrace him from behind. "I love you," the shadow repeats her words once more, an affectionate smile was visible on her face.

"Oh um--I...love you too?" Seven squeaks out "Does that mean I also love Six?" he asked Kyra, causing her to pout. "Yeah you love the triangle kid too...I don't really like sharing but if that makes you happy..." she mumbled the last part under her breath. Guess she gotta deal with sharing the boy with Six, who is most likely clueless about the whole matter.

"...I wonder if Six loves me too," Seven blurts out. He sort of guessed that 'love' is different from 'like'. Is love like that thing where 2 people are really affectionate with each other? Is that the right term to describe it? Like is for friend and love is for partners? Or girlfriends?

He remembered the older kids mentioning something about girlfriends and boyfriends. He was...unsure of what it meant but he'll try his best to understand it.

"Six is probably clueless about 'love' so maybe by serenading her,"  Kyra suggested "...sera-what?" Seven narrowed his eyes at the word "You know...courting someone?" Kyra tries her best to explain what she meant.

"Ooooh! I saw the older kids do it with each other before they..well....got eaten. The younger kids doesn't seem to know about it but the older kids did. So thats what I have to do to Six?"

"Yeah thats what you have to do. But you cannot forget about me okay? You can't give Six all of your attention, I need some too!" Kyra whined. Seven laughs nervously before turning his body around to embrace her.

"Okay! Since I love both of you equally then I must give both of you equal amounts if attention!" he at least made sense of that.


Total words for this chapter: 1027

Y a y. L o n g c h a p t e r

Also fluff uwu

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