(6) I will be here for you, my lady

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Runaway's POV....

Runaway's eyes went wide beneath his mask as he watched the girl in yellow break down in front of him. His hand unconciously reached out to her before retracting it quickly once he felt his body burn. What's wrong? Why is she crying!?

"My lady are you not gonna assist her?" he asked the girl's shadow in a nervous matter. "No, she won't get better if I even comfort her. This is for the best," how can a shadow be so cold-hearted to their counterpart!?

Runaway was about to urge her to help until he heard a thump, causing his attention to turn back towards the girl. She seemed to have blacked out. Surely her shadow can---

As if reading his thoughts, the other shadow shook her head. This caused him to frown deeply, why wouldn't she help her? She isn't even affected by the light, she's the only one that can help--

W..wait...what if he helps her? But he wasn't given orders to--NO NO he HAS to help her. He's her friend. He's already decided that once he saw her for the first time. He'll be friends with her so she can be happy!Surely that doesn't go against the shadow's purpose right? Right.

Runaway clenched and unclenched his hands before stepping into the light. It burns it burns it burns it burns it burns it burns---

He kept walking even as he felt his body disintegrating, once he was in arm's reach he grabbed the hood of her coat then quickly dragged her into the sweet sweet shade.

Runaway gasped as he felt every inch of his body burn away. He's fine, he's fine, he's fine.

Right now, the girl's safety is his too priority. He grabbed her chin with his left arm and tilted it up a bit, then he carefully placed 2 fingers on her neck to check her pulse.


A steady heartbeat. She's fine. She's....fine. Runaway held the girl close before setting her head down on his lap. He can't carry her back to the children's area, too much lights. He'll have to make do with making her comfortable on this wooden floor. The shadow boy stared down at her, brushing the hair covering her eyes. She should get a haircut soon.

The girl stirred in her slumber, brows furrowed as her lips curled down into a frown. Runaway smiles gently before caressing her head, in hopes to ease the nightmares.

The girl in yellow seemed to shiver at his touch before relaxing. Is his hand cold?

While this was all happening, the girl's shadow merely stared. Unsure of what to make of the sitiation. She decided to leave it be.

2 hours later...

Six's POV

The girl furrows her eyebrows as her mind started to clear up again. She can feel...something cold on her head.

Six stirred as a dissatisfied mumble came out of her mouth, she slowly opened her eyes only to be confused by something grey invading her vision.

What the...?

Slowly blinking her eyes before opening them fully, she finally realized what happened. Her head was on the shadow boy's lap. How did she--?

"Are you awake, my lady? You've been asleep for 2 hours," the shadow's voice caused her to jolt in surprise. She immediately sat up and backed away from him "What are you--" she hissed in pain as a throbbing headache surfaced. She needs to stop sitting up too quickly.

Shadows of Fate: A Little Nightmares AU (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now