(15) Who are you?

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Its been a full week since Seven got back in his old body. His old...human body. It took him a while to get used to it, especially the pain he feels whenever he accidentally or purposely gets hurt.

The current food supply in the maw is stable but the guest meat can't feed the kids forever. He needs to think of other ways to find food. Maybe he can meet some people who can help him with managing the maw too.

The 12 year old was currently out in the forest, much to the girls' dismay. Seven of course reassured them that he'll be fine, he can run back if he encounters something dangerous. Besides, he can shift his hands into make-shift shadow weapons. Though these weapons actually depend on how dark the area is.

The forest he is in is pretty dark, the trees covered the land and there was barely any sunlight. Luckily for him, being part shadow made him see better in the dark.

The boy was probably walking for about 30 minutes before finding a patch of flowers. These were pretty rare so he hoped to learn how to plang them soon. He bent down and carefully picked the flowers one by one, maybe he can make more flower crowns again. The last flower crowns be made had wilted pretty quickly. Maybe due to the lack of light here, it was easier for them to die.

He sets the flowers down as he brings a yellow colored flower close to him, a relaxed expression was on his face as he stared at the flower

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He sets the flowers down as he brings a yellow colored flower close to him, a relaxed expression was on his face as he stared at the flower. "I'm glad Six agreed to letting me go out here alone..." he muttered to himself under his breath.

He fumbles with the flower with his hands, tracing his finger delicately over the petals. "I wonder if purple ones exist?" Kyra would like it. Maybe.

Since Seven was distracted fron his thoughts, he didn't seem to notice a figure climbing the cliff from behind him. A hand grabs onto the edge as the figure hoisted themself up.

They perked up at the sight of the boy and slowly walked over towards him, making sure to not make too much noise. He reached his hand out to him only to have Seven swiftly turn around and claw his neck with sharpened fingers. It didn't cut too deep though.

"Hey, hey I'm no threat! I promise!" the figure spoke up, they sound like a boy

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"Hey, hey I'm no threat! I promise!" the figure spoke up, they sound like a boy...maybe even his age. Seven blinks rapidly before quickly retracting his hands and backing away "O-oh god I'm so sorry I just panicked and my instincts just---" Seven spoke quickly "It's alright! Its my fault for sneaking up on you anyways," the boy quickly brushed it off.

Seven stared at the boy's face--....bag? A paper bag? Why is he wearing a paper bag? The half-shadow boy shook his head before looking at his neck, seeing the wound bleed. "...Mind if I tread your wounds? I always keep spare bandages in my pockets," he reached into his pant pockets and brought out a roll of bandages. "Oh! Thanks," the bag boy sat down as Seven did his work. He quickly and carefully wrapped the bandages around his neck before tying it, not too tight cause he doesn't want to choke him.

Bag boy rubs the bandages a bit before looking at Seven "Thanks for that, sorry again for startling you. You have pretty quick reflexes by the way," he complimented him, causing the boy to get a bit flustered. "Well, if I was still 'normal' I would've only noticed you by the last minute," Seven lets out a nervous laugh as he sat down on the grass.

" 'normal' ? What do you mean by that?" seems he peaked the bag boy's interest. "Well...I used to be a normal kid but after some circumstances I'm no longer exactly 'normal' ," Seven explains, making the other boy nod at him.

"I'm not exactly normal either! Guess we're both inhumane," bag boy chirped up. Seven decided not to ask him about what he means by 'inhumane'. The two aren't even that close...well not yet. The boy was hoping to befriend this weird paper bag kid. Maybe he can bring him to the maw? Wait he needs to know if he's safe first. He can't bring strangers to the maw. Thats what Six said at least.

So Seven and bag boy spent their time talking to each other, Seven talking about the maw (he didn't talk about Six or Kyra) while bag boy talked about some sort of city. Bag boy called it 'Pale City'. Seven never heard of the name before, maybe Six has heard of it?

They spent a long time talking that Seven didn't even notice how the forest seems to have gotten darker

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They spent a long time talking that Seven didn't even notice how the forest seems to have gotten darker. Was it almost the afternoon!? The weather in this place is so confusing.

Seven got up quickly and stared at the other boy "I need to go! I don't know what time it is but I can guess its nightfall. My friends are gonna be worried about me," Seven was about to dash back until he stops to look at bag boy again "My name is Seven by the way! Forgot to tell you,"

Bag boy laughed a bit before getting up as well. "Nice to meet you Seven, my name is Mono,"

Seven scoops up the flowers in his arms and smiles "Lets hang out again sometimes! Maybe you could even give me a tour around this forest,"

Mono nods his head at him "Same to you about the maw, you peaked my interest with your stories. It'll be nice to find a place to call home,"

The two boys parted ways, their plans of meeting up once more was on their mind

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The two boys parted ways, their plans of meeting up once more was on their mind. Mono was excited to find someobe to talk to but he is still cautious, he was a bit scared about trusting people again...especially after what happened to him. Hopefully Seven was different.

Seven dashed back to the maw, eyes sparkling with joy as he carried the flowers back into the large ship. He's pretty excited to meet Mono again, mostly cause he wanted to know ahout the outside world but also because he wanted to know more ahout the strange bag child.


Total words for this chapter: 1054

Whoohoo! Sorry for the lack of double updates today, brain went oop and not having that much motovation. I'll try to update at least once every day though!

Also yay! Seven and Mono finally meet up.

Shadows of Fate: A Little Nightmares AU (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now