(9) Name

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Six glanced towards the nomes playing around, a small smile appearing on her face as she picked one up and hugged it close to her chest. The fire the furnace radiated causes her blood eyes to be visible. The nome chirped before relaxing in the girl's grip.

"You guys are much better than human kids..." she muttered under her breath before setting the triangle head creature down to join their friends.

"Speaking of human kids...I wonder where Runaway is?" she glanced around her surroundings, eyes scanning the pile of coal before squinting them. It was pretty hard when it comes to finding him, mostly cause he blends so well with the shadows.

"Maybe he's finally giving me space," she joked to herself quietly before giggling. She sat down on the cold floor, not that she minds. The furnace gave her much needed warmth anyways.

Her mind wandered, trying to distract herself from her current reality before stopping at the thought of Runaway's name. Is that REALLY his name or is it a nickname? She can just ask him later.

7 hours later...

Six left The Hideout through the vents and walked towatds the lady's quarters.

"Six? You're back from the hideout? I thought you'd stay there a bit longer," A voice spoke up from above. Six looks up before smiling once she saw Runaway. "What are you doing up there?" she asked him, raising her voice so he could hear her.

"He's just checking out his pretty face," her shadow popped up beside him. Huh, who knew they'd be together? "You two seem to be getting along. Care to tell me why?" she raised a brow with an amused look on her face.

"Its a secret~" the shadows spoke in unison before hopping down to meet her on the floor. No damage nor pain was done. "Why is the place so dark anyways?"

"I was cleaning the room also it was easier to do in the dark," Runaway answered "Also Runaway gave me a name! Guess what it is??" her shadow asked excitedly. Is it just her or did the shadow become happier?

"It's Kyra by the way. Thats my name now!" she points to herself with a wide grin. Six rolls her eyes with a smile. "Kyra seems like a nice name. Speaking of names...hey Runaway,"

Runaway perks up at the mention of his name. "What is it?"     "Why are you called Runaway? Is that really your name?" the two girls stared at him with curiosity, making the other shadow uncomfortable.

"Well...no...Runaway is the name the other kids gave me. Its been so long since I recalled my name so I just accepted the name 'Runaway'," 

"Why Runaway?" Kyra asked ever so curiously

"Because I always seem to find ways to get out, to reach further than the other kids....not that it matters much anymore--"

"How about the name Seven?" Six asked. "Huh?" Runaway blinks before staring at Six. "Your new name can be Seven!" she smiles widely.

"Really? Six? Seven?" Kyra stared at Six with an unamused gaze. Runawau thinks for a bit before smiling "Seven..." the shadow seemed to be thinking about it.

"I like it! Nice to meet you Six!" black tears streams down his face as happiness weld up in his heart. "My name is Seven,"

Both Six and Kyra stare at Seven with satisfied smiles.

A Special shadow was given a name that day.


Total words for this chapter: 575

Sorry for the short chapter!

I wanted to tell you guys how Seven got his name. Six being the one to name him

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