Promises you can't keep..

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9 months/Due date 7-26-19- today!

The best love is unexpected.  You don't just pick up someone and cross your fingers it'll work out.  You meet them by fate and it's an instant connection,  and  the chemistry share is way above your head.  You just talk and notice the way their lips curve when they smile or the color of there eyes and all at once you know you're either lucky or screwed.

Kayla sighed when she watched out her kitchen window while she cleaned dishes.  Kayce walked behind her without a word as he wrapped his arms around her. She flinched. He kissed her neck while she cleaned dishes.The truth is Kayce and Kayla weren't on speaking terms at the moment sense the night she asked him why he wasn't there too save her.He had been trying too get her too talk too him for a few weeks at the most.

"If you think I'm going to talk too you then your wasting your time."I said as I stopped washing dishes.

"I'm not giving up. Your gonna have too talk too me. We're about too have a baby."He said as he put his two hands on her waist.

He connected his lips too her neck and began lightly kissing and sucking her neck.

"How are you 9 months pregnant and aren't even showing."he whispered against her neck.

"I don't have a clue."I said as I turned around and put my hands around his neck.

"I new you would talk too me."he said laughing.

"Shut up."I giggled.

"Are the kids here?"he asked as he looked down at me with his lusty eyes.

"Tate's at Beths and Lizzy's at John's."I mumbled.

"Looks like we've got the house too ourselves." He said.

"So what do you wanna do?"I asked as my hand went up and down his chest very slowly.

"I wanna do you."he whispered as he tucked a hair behind my ear.

"Same here baby."She said sighing as she whispered the last part.

He then leaned down pressing his lips harshly too hers as she kissed back. He then wrapped her legs around his waist and slowly walked out of the kitchen and into the living room laying her down on the couch as he hovered over her. It was currently 5:03 pm still no contractions. Nothing. 

He sat up quickly her as well as she pulled his shirt over his head and tossing it on the floor, her hands went too his belt trying too undue it. But then she turned on her side with heavy breathing.

"Kayce, ahhh."she screamed out in pain.

"What!?what's wrong?!baby?!"he asked looking at her.

"Contractions."I said as I placed a hand on my stomach.

"Jesus, do you want me too call My dad and dr. Milestone?"he asked.

"I don't care! Just get someone!"I screamed.

He stood up fast as he threw on his shirt and hat. He leaned over and kissed me before he walked over too the door and open and closed it behind him.

I sat up looking around. Jesus looks like we're having the baby here.

"Urhhh!"I hugged in pain as I hunched over  trying too get the contraction too go away.

Soon before I new it John and Kayce walked into the house. 

"It's time!"Kayce looked at me.

"Kayce, I for real think we should have the baby here."I said.

"What? You can't have the baby here!"he said.

Love on a Ranch 2~Kayce DuttonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora