The Wedding 💍

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Kayce was turned around in the driveway, he wore his black cowboy hat, blue wranglers,and a suit.The man was waiting for his bride.Kayla stood there watching him wait.

"Is she coming?"he asked his dad.

"Yeah."John said and smiled.

Kayla walked up too Kayce and tapped his back.She stepped back and he slowly turned around sighing as his eyes filled with tears in his eyes.

"Holy shit."he breathed out.

He broke down in tears.He wiped his eyes with his dads tissue.Kayla stood there, trying not too cry but she was clearly crying.

"You look beautiful, babe."he said breathing out so he wouldn't cry more.

He placed his hands on her waist,Sighing as he looked down at her.

"You look handsome."Kayla said with a tight smile.

"Really? I do? I couldn't find my comb till last minute."he laughed.

Kayla laughed.

"Alrighty guys it's time."My mom said wiping her tears.

"I'll see you in about 20 mins."He said as he turned around and walked with his dad too where the wedding was being hosted.It was in back of the main Dutton house.

Once Kayla knew Kayce was at the stand waiting,She stood with her dad on the side of the house where no one could see them. Layla and Colby walked down the aisle,then Sarah and Jamie  then Avery walked down with Walker,then Beth walked down with Ryan.A thousand years started too play.She grabbed her dads arm and the flowers holding them in her hand. She then realized before they turned the house that in front of Ryan was Lee.She tried not too lose it in the middle of the aisle.But her and Lloyd walked down the aisle.He then stopped and turned kissing his daughters cheek. He turned too Kayce and hugged him.

"I'll take care of her, love you dad."he whispered in Lloyd's ear.

Lloyd smiled, and sat down on the other side of Kayla's mom with the rest of the family and friends they all sat down.

Kayla and Kayce stared at each other smiling.She glanced behind him seeing Lee.Kayce and Kayla joined hands.

"We are gathered here today too share one of life's greatest moments, and too cherish the words of which shall unite Kayla and Kayce in marriage."The priest began.

"Marriage is the promise between too people who love each other, and who trust in that love, who honor each other as individuals, and who choose too spend the rest of there lives together."The priest said.

I glanced behind Kayce and Lee looked teary eyed.

"This ceremony will not create a relationship that does not already exist between you.It is a symbol of how far you have come these past few years.It is a symbol of the promises you will make each other to continue growing stronger as individuals and as matter what challenges you face, you now face them together, and no matter how much you will succeed you will succeed together.And the love between you joins you now as one."The priest finished. 

"You may now exchange vows."The priest said.

I turned and Beth handed me a card.

"Kayce,I never knew that when I met you I would be here today.You are the person I want too spend the rest of my life with.Your the person I needed most threw thick and thin, we always somehow found our ways back too each other. Your the love of my life and I can't image being with anyone but you."I said as I sniffled and looked up at him.

He sighed turning around and Ryan gave him his card.I glanced behind him and Lee was still there with a smile.

"Kayla, sense before I met you I never thought I could get married again or ever want too have anymore kids.You gave me a life I never thought I needed.Sense the moment I first saw you I loved you, threw tough times and rough moments I still love you.If someone asked me where I would be in 5 years.? I would answer Instantly with, Where would I be in 5 years, the truth is I would be married too my wife.With 4 kids and I would want too raise them on the Ranch I was raised on once.You took my son in like he was yours by blood.But Makayla it's you,it's always been you, from the moment I wake up,too the moment I go too sleep right next too you it's always been you."he said as a couple of tears fell from his hazel eyes.

"Awe baby."I said with a smile.

Everyone laughed.

"May we have the rings."the priest said.

Tate came up handing us the pillow with rings.

I had Kayce's and Kayce had mine.

"I kayla, take you Kayce, too be my husband, too have and to hold from this day forward , for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward till death do us part."Kayla said as she slid on Kayce's ring onto his ring.

 "I Kayce, take you Kayla, too be my wife, too have and to hold from this day forward , for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward till death do us part."Kayce said as he slid on Kayla's ring onto her ring finger.

"Under the court of Montana I now pronounce you husband and wife!Kayce you may kiss your wife."The Priest said stepping back.

Kayce leaned in and placed his lips on Kayla's and she kissed back, he dipped her and then Stood them both up turning too face everyone and he grabbed Kayla's hand and brought it up in the air.

"I now pronounce you Mrs. & Mr. Dutton!"The priest cheered.

We both walked down the aisle smiling.

Once we took pictures and Had the reception party,and then we were able too leave for the honeymoon.

To be continued...

A/N: Kayce still doesn't know about Kayla being pregnant with Rips baby.Will Kayla keep the baby? Or will she do an abortion.

One thing I won't do in real life is have an abortion Bc I don't believe in that because your killing a living being inside of you,now I am catholic.So that's probably why I will never have an abortion.Please don't hate me!! Also sorry for the tears you shed!!

Love on a Ranch 2~Kayce DuttonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon