Start Over

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"What?!" The look of shock and disgust on her face betrays his error. He bites his lip. "What are you insinuating exactly Hyunjin? Do you think I'm a prostitute or something?" She sneers at him as her eyes well up with tears. He panics.

"No no, not at all. God no, I didn't mean that how it sounded. Please!" He tries to reverse his course and he reaches for her hands again. She pulls them away and turns her face from him.

"Sa-rang please, I don't know what I meant by that I don't think that," he continues to explain his misstep but she wonders if it wasn't exactly what he thought.

"If you want to think that's who I am then fine. I'll be yours for another day and then it's back to your real life and I'll go back to my doll box and sit and wait for the next lonely guy to come along." She gets off the bed quickly and rushes though the door, leaving it open in her stead.

He sits on the bed thinking what a complete ass he was to even begin to suggest such a thing to her. He knows there is something else going on, but it sure doesn't have to be something like that. He has to make this right. He lifts the duvet, pulls his shorts back up quickly and tries to follow after her, wondering where in the house she is now.

"Sa-rang?!" he calls to her as he reaches the livingroom and doesn't see her. He looks out to the pool and is relieved to see her standing against the railing overlooking the forest below. Her silky robe is shining in the bright sunlight of the late afternoon. Her hair is nearly dry now and is blowing in the soft breeze. He steps up behind her cautiously.

"Sa-rang?" he says softly as he reaches to touch her arm gently. She doesn't turn around. "I'm so sorry. I wouldn't hurt you for anything. You've been nothing but kind and generous and loving to me since the moment I met you. I guess I'm just not used to it. You're right," he admits, smiling sadly. "I can't have a relationship. I'm not allowed to date. I've never even had a girlfriend. I just don't know what to think of all of this." He blushes at admitting his lack of experience to her. He wanted to feel strong and powerful, and to sweep her off her feet and make her feel head over heels for him. He didn't want to insult her. He didn't want to hurt her feelings. He runs his hand over the back of her robe, feeling the soft fabric over her warm skin. He steps closer, raising his arms to wrap around her. She slowly turns towards him, crying, and steps into his embrace. He's overwhelmed with shame at making her feel bad. "Sa-rang," he says softly, pressing his lips against her head. He holds her tighter as she sobs quietly in his arms.

She sniffles and pulls back, wiping the tears from her eyes. She shakes her head and he looks down at her, so fearful of what she might say or do. He doesn't want to be away from her. He doesn't want her to end this. He doesn't want it to end ever, although he knows there is very little control he has over that.

"Hyunjin, can we just go back to enjoying each other, and not ask anymore questions?" she uses the word 'we' but he knows he is the only one who doesn't have all the answers. He thinks for a moment, wondering if he can really be ok, if this is all he can have, will it be enough?  He slowly nods and when he looks back into her eyes she is smiling softly at him. Her eyes are pink but the tears are dry. She nods once at him, and leans up to leave a kiss on his cheek. He smiles shyly, hoping to be able to do what she's asked.

"I have one request though, and you can say 'no' if you want to, or if you aren't comfortable with the idea." She looks at him suspiciously.

"Go on," she says, waiting.

"Can we go out to dinner together? Tonight?" She looks at him surprised.

"What, like a date?" she asks. He nods at her, his smile growing.

"Exactly. A date. I've never been on a date, ever. I want to do that with you, while we are still here. I want to know what it feels like to sit at a restaurant and hold hands in public," he admits, smiling thinking about the idea of it. She chuckles a little at his excitement, but then she realizes how very serious he is and she feels a little sad for him.

"Yes, I'd like that. I know just the place," she offers. She grins at the idea in her head. "In fact, let's go back to the resort to change, get dressed up, and I will pick you up at your Villa at 7pm, we can probably catch the sunset." He smiles at her, enjoying the idea of it all. "Pack a bag and bring your camera," she says as she leans up and kisses his cheek. "I'll go get dressed." She rushes back into the house and he watches her, smiling at the idea of starting over. He looks down and sees his clothing left discarded from much earlier and he grabs his shirt and shakes it out as he blushes thinking about just how many times he's been naked and so close to her today. He sits on the lounge as he puts the shirt on and buttons it up.

He looks toward the house, noticing that it's dark and she isn't in the living room or kitchen area. He looks up at the windows, wondering about these seven bedrooms and who lives here. Where are the people who live in this big place, and how does she know them?  She walks back through the doors to the patio and he stands to greet her. He's surprised to see her wearing a completely different dress. He looks down confused. It's beautiful and designer, and it fits her perfectly. He frowns as his mind fills with questions. He purses his lips trying to stop himself from asking them. Again, he has to remind himself to be happy with what he has and not demand more of her. She notes his expression and she walks up to wrap her arms around his neck.

"Do I look ok?" she asks, probably fully aware she is gorgeous and the dress is hugging every curve. Her question is disarming. He smiles as his hands slide around her waist.

"Beautiful," he says as he leans down to kiss her. "Should I dress up?"

"Dressy casual. I'm not exactly dressed for dinner yet. I have to get some things from my room," she explains. He remembers the penthouse where she said she lives in Fiji. "But we will come back here after if that's ok?" He smiles and nods. The house is gorgeous and of course full of bedrooms to explore. He blushes at the thoughts flickering through his mind. She smirks at him biting her lip as though she knows exactly what he's thinking. She kisses him on the cheek and leads him back toward the front door.

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