Unspoken words... 11

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SanJee's POV:

Uncle came into the room with a smile on his face as he watched us laughing.

"Everyone ready? It's shopping time!" Everyone clapped and cheered in excitement before leaving the room and following uncle downstairs to the back where the multiple vans were waiting.

We all hopped into different Vans that drove us out and down the road. Everyone was in disguise to hide from the public. I just hope no more media or fans come chasing us. Chanyeol must of sense my uneasiness because he grabbed my hand and gave it a light squeeze before smiling. Instantly, I felt my nerves disappear and instead replaced with a weird feeling. My heart beats were faster and my stomach twirled like twisters. It was weird because Chanyeol touched my hand all the time but it was different this time.

I ignored the feeling and quickly hopped out of the Van as it stopped. The stylist had made me wear a different outfit so no fans would recognizes me as the assistant. This time I was in a red knee length dress and a floppy sun hat matching with a pair of glasses. It was weird wearing this because I usually had everything covered up. I've never felt more exposed in my life!

We all zoomed into the mall and quickly head into a boutique before shutting the door behind us. I watched as the sale assistant turned the door sign to close and came into realization that uncle had booked the place so no one else could come in. I'm not surprised, I mean, there's so many idols in the building. Imagine the amount of fans. Just thinking about it makes me want to cowardly run into a room and look myself inside.

I mentally shivered before snapping back into reality. 3 more ladies appeared and stood in a straight line in front of us. I could tell they were trying to hold there excitement in as they stood there.

"These are my assistants and we'll start with the measuring for the boys." The assistant said.

3 of the guys got up and so forth. While the rest of us discussed the colours of our Saris.


It finally ended! Goss shopping was so tiring but so fun. We went to eat and the boys ended up having a food fight in the room!

I dropped into my couch and was about to drift off to dreamland when the doorbell rang.
Getting up, I looked through the keyhole and all I could see was a man's chest. Ummmm. .. seems to bit dangerous.. open it?
I cautiously opened the door and peeked my eye out meeting the giant that stood there.

"Hey." Chanyeol smiled at me as he waved. I quickly waved back before opening the door fully and inviting him in.
I automatically grabbed his hand before running my fingers across his palm.

What are you doing here this late?

Chanyeol shrugged before showing his pearly whites again. "Is it wrong to see my best friend?" Chanyeol let out a small chuckle. Ouch. Best friend.. the feeling came and I have no idea why there was pain in my chest. I smiled back at him before noticing the plastic bag he was holding. Pointing to it, he looked in the same direction and pulled it up to eye level.
"Ta-daaa! Ice cream time!" I chuckled with him, clapping my hands as he sat on my couch and pulled the ice cream out.
"Do you want to watch a movie? What movie would you like?" Chanyeol asked as he placed the spoon at my mouth. I scrunched my face up. He was FEEDING ME. Is this a freaking normal thing for best friends to do? Because I feel those butterflies again. I took the scoop into my mouth and somehow. . It tasted better. I smiled at him before shrugging. I don't know what movie I want to watch. I haven't watched any in a while.

"Want to watch the avengers?" Avengers? my head tilted in confusion and Chanyeol stared at me with wide eyes before gasping. "It's the best movie ever! You have to watch it. Actually, we're going to watch it right now!"
He turned on the TV with a determine expression and I laughed as he did. Looking at me in confusion I smiled and he smiled back.


Rubbing my eyes I sat up on the sofa. I'm still here?
Oh that's right, I fell asleep half way through the movie. I'm sorry Chanyeol but that movie made me sleepy. I yawned and stretched my aching arms. Goss that was a good sleep.


What the.. I looked to my right to see Chanyeol there with his eyes closed. Sleeping peacefully before letting out a sharp snore. I chuckled at his behaviour. His snore was.. cute. Yeah, cute. Just like him. His bed hair was really something and his shirt was crumpled up as he sprawled his arms out. Letting out a small chuckle I went to make breakfast.


I'm back guys!! I'm sorry for the long wait but I'm back now.
Korea was great. Thanks for asking :") and Exo. . Oh Goss. Where do I even begin. They were amazing!! It was the best birthday ever but going to their concert makes me want to go back again. Crying. But what annoyed me was the Exo-l. They kept pushing and shoving in the standing section and there was a part I couldn't even breathe. Goss I was terrified. Anyways it would be great if you guys didn't do that >_<

Oh yea, I'm back now but I won't be able to update a lot because of school and dance. I made the hip hop team and others as well so yay for me :)

Much love. XX

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