Unspoken words... 12

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SanJee's POV:

I was frying the eggs when I heard a yawn from the couch. Looking up I saw Chanyeol scratching his head before stretching. I let out a small chuckle and I guess he noticed because he looked in my direction and smiled. Smiling back I went back to frying the eggs before placing them onto a plate along with some toast and a cup of hot chocolate.

"Morning SanJee. I still can't believe you fell asleep during the movie." Chanyeol playfully rolled his eyes.

So he saw me fall asleep. Why didn't he say anything -.-
I raised my eye brows at him as I placed the food in front of him.
"I didn't want to wake you up because you looked tired. We better hurry though. We have work don't we?" He placed some toast in his mouth.
He did it again! That guy is always reading my mind.
Taking a seat in front or him, I began too eat as well.

Author's POV:

SanJee grabbed chanyeols hand before scribbling some words on it with her thumb.

Are you going to work with the same clothes?

Chanyeol chuckled and rolled his eyes playfully. "I kind of have too. I can't wear your clothes that's for sure. I'll change while I'm at work if you're so worried." He winked at SanJee. SanJee felt a faint tint of pink appear on her cheeks as she avoided his gaze and ate again. Chanyeol was aware of this and found it very cute the way SanJee acted in front of him. Letting out a chuckle he fed her some egg. She was hesitant at first but never less accepted his offer. I mean, who would deny a guy as handsome as Chanyeol.

SanJee left Chanyeol in the living room as she went to change. As he waited, he noticed that the house was very simple. No photos, no art no nothing. Just bare walls everywhere he looked. That made him wonder why SanJee had not put any photos up of her family. I mean if they were gone wouldn't she miss them? He thought.

SanJee came out of the room interrupting his thoughts. He smiled at her as he saw her standing there in a blue denim summer dress. Her hair down like always and a small shoulder bag. Smiling at each other, they left the house and took a taxi to SM building. Upon entering they both made their ways to the office. Greeting exo's manager before entering to meet the other boys. Chanyeol left to go get changed and left me there with the other guys. I smiled at them happily as they greeted me.

"Soo our SanJee is going with Chanyeol to the ball aye?" Kai winked at me as he slung his arm over my shoulder. I stared at him confused before nodding my head.
"Our SanJee is growing up so fast!" BaekHyun said as he pinched my cheeks.
"She's too innocent to realize her own feelings." Kai let out a chuckle as knudged BaekHyun in the ribs.
Before I could make any motion to write anything Chanyeol had came back into the room while drying his hair. (Imagine that :") )
"What we're you guys talking about?" Chanyeol said as he took a seat next to me.
"Oh nothing much. Just discussing school stuff. Ya know, the usual. " BaekHyun shrugged as he laid his head on chanyeols leg.



Author's POV:

The weekends had ended quickly and now it was time to get back to school. Like always, Chanyeol and SanJee came into school together and would meet with the boys at the front gate before walking all together into the classroom.

Mr Lee came into the room in his suited attire. Looking as dashing as usual as he made all the girls swoon over his good looks.
Mr Lee stood in front of the class, eyeing every student as he slammed his books onto the table. Frightening some of us. He stood there for a few seconds before speaking up. "Alright class. I presume you have heard about the leavers ball coming up." At this the classed cheered and whooped. Mr Lee signaled the class to quiet down for continuing. " as you know, every year we hold dance classes that you are to attend and learn. And yes it is compulsory. So don't even think about skipping. "

"Good. Any questions?"
Some hands went up as the teacher said this and he picked a few to answer.
"Do the best couples get to win a prize if they dance well?" Mr Lee let out a laugh.
"No there isn't. But if you guys would like to bet among yourself, I'll be happy to help."


Author's note:

Hey guys. Here's an update. I'm on autumn break soo I'll try to update a lot but man I'm caught up with this kdrama I've been watching. Its so darn good and sad. And I cried so much. Hahaha ha which says a lot because my friends call me heartless.

Anyways. If you have any questions do not hesitate to message me. Or comment. Whether it has to do with the book or not. I'll be happy to help.

Love, Author xx

P.S. picture of Mr Lee up there. He's so hot. And I have like a squad I made for him. But I'm pretty sure they are his squad anyways :")

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