Unspoken words... 18

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Author's pov:

He came face to face with Chanyeol.
An instant Glare was seen on Sungjae's face. The other latter did the same upon realising another male was coming out of SanJee's house.

"What are you doing here." Chanyeol said.

"I should be asking you that." Sungjae sneered. This maze Chanyeol's anger flare.
He instantly was up in SungJae's face. Staring right into his eyes.
"I'm visiting my girlfriend. How about you?" Sungjae laughed at what Chanyeol had said.
"I'm here to comfort your girlfriend. The one that had been in hospital because of you." Chanyeol grabbed onto SungJae's collar. Confused at what he said but offended by his words.

"What do you mean punk?" Sungjae crackled as he saw chanyeols Befuddled look.

"While you were busy with whatever you were doing, your so called girlfriend was being bullied in school because she was close to you. Imagine what would of happened if they found out she was your girlfriend.

Do you even have the right to call her your girlfriend?" Sungjae laughed again. "What boyfriend doesn't know about their girlfriends issues?" Chanyeol raged at Sungjae. Punching him square in the face before pushing him onto the ground.

"Don't ever question our relationship bastard."

Chanyeol quickly headed inside. Running up to SanJee's room before opening the door. He sighed once he saw SanJee soundly sleeping on her bed.

Walking up to her, he kneeled down beside her bed and grabbed her hand. Holding it closely to his head as he sighed in relief.

"C-chanyeol?" His eyes shot up to look into SanJee. He could see SanJee was starting to hyperventilate. She started screaming and Chanyeol became surprised. He had no idea why she was like this but he grabbed onto her anyhow.

"Get away from me! They'll come back if they find out! Get away!" She kept screaming over and over again. Trying to push Chanyeol away from her.
Chanyeol held on tight as SanJee cried and punched his chest. He kissed her forehead and smoothed her hair.
"It's alright. They aren't going to come. Nothing bad is going to happen. As long as I'm here they won't touch you." He kept saying soothing words to calm SanJee down.

By now, she had stopped screaming but she still shook as he held her. Looking around frantically to see if anyone was around. She was trapped in her own nightmare and all Chanyeol wanted to do was shake her out of it.

He waited for a little while before looking at SanJee in the eyes.
"You'll be alright. I'm not going to leave you. No one is going to hurt you." Getting up from the bed. He stood up. Still holding onto SanJee's hand. With the other hand, he closed the curtains and looked at SanJee with a smile.
"See? No one will be able to see." SanJee was still hesitant. She wasn't in her right mind. Her face was pale and her eyes bolting from one object to another.

Chanyeol sighed before lifting her up in his arms and taking her downstairs. Night had fallen and they had not eaten since he got here.
Placing her down onto the table bench, he looked around for food. He couldn't cook much but he did know some simple recipes.

Grabbing out a few ingredients, he began making dinner. His eyes flickering up to look at SanJee from time to time.
The said girl was sitting on the bench staring aimlessly at Chanyeol. Holding a cup of warm tea in her hand. She seems to be doing better Chanyeol thought.

They had dinner in silent. He didn't want her to be scared or anxious so he did not pry on the matter that caused her to become like this.
Instead, when it was 10 pm, he tucked her into bed and kissed her on the forehead. Wishing her a goodnight sleep before leaving the room.

As he was closing the door he heard a small sound.
"Don't go, they'll come back."
Chanyeol smiled as he looked at SanJee.
"They won't come near you ever again."

"Don't go" He heard her say once more.
he stood for a minute thinking If this was a good idea before climbing into the bed with SanJee. Wrapping his arms around her waist, she snuggled into him. Burying her face into his chest.

He began to feel something wet and realized SanJee was crying.
"What's the matter SanJee-ah?" He smoothed her hair out as she cried.
"I'm sorry"
"I'm so sorry Chanyeol." Her hiccups coming in between her words.
"I'm sorry for letting this get to me."
"I'm sorry for being afraid of you." Chanyeol looked at her with a pained expression. Kissing her lightly on the nose he hugged her tighter.

"Don't be sorry. If I had known, this would have never happened. Don't say sorry.. arachi ? "
"Just wait alittle more. After we graduate, ill declare you mine and no one will hurt you ever again. Just wait alittle longer. We'll be together soon. For now, I'll allow Sungjae to protect you while I'm gone.."
He felt her nod and a smiled was seen on his face before they both slowly drifted off to sleep.


Author's note:

Wooooo. I should be studying for exams but I haven't updated in forever and I wanted to finish this fanfiction. Its almost finish! Please give this fanfiction as much love as you did with my first :)
There are more chapters coming so please vote, comment and read

Much love xx

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