Unspoken words... 5

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SanJee's POV:

I tried really hard to focus on the rest of the group but it was very difficult with being able to feel Chanyeol's eyes lingering on me.

The boys had finished eating now and they were all sprawled across the floor. Sehun was lying on the ground next to me while i sat with my hands in my lap. Lay was lying in suhos lap, Xiumin had curled into a ball next to a starfish kris. Chen had his head in kyungsoo's lap while kai was lying on Kyungsoo's shoulder. Poor kyungsoo, whatever heaviness he was feeling, he definitely didnt show it to anyone as he sat stoned face with his hand combing Chen's hair. Luhan was lying next to tao as they talked and baekhuyn was curled up into chanyeol's armpit. Chanyeol was starring at the ceiling as he laid there. Not bothering to move a wiggling baekhuyn.

He seemed sad but I'm not sure why. I dont want to think its because of me. I did nothing except prepare myself for what i new was coming. He would eventually find out and i am afraid of him leaving me. I cant have that. Im not sure how much more i can take.

I sat there sadly as i looked at chanyeol lying down. I couldnt bare thinking that i might have cause him to be unhappy. I dont know what it was about him that made me feel like this. If it was anyone else i wouldn't have even cared.

Sehun began wiggling next to when i felt him tug my arm. I was older than sehun so it made sense that Sehun was so childish towards me.

"Noonaaaaa." I looked at sehun as he pouted a bit. He leaned in towards me and i backed away. What is he doing? He smiled as he cupped his hands and placed it near my ear.

"Why do you look sad noona?" He whispered into my ear. I laughed at his cuteness and he smiled back.

Suddenly the door opened and Tak youngjae or manager-shi came in with Hana. "I see everyone knows SanJee now?" Hana let out a chuckle from behind as the 12 boys nodded at their manager. I smiled at manager-shi as he laughed as well. "Well, we have a radio show to attend too so everyone up! Time for a wardrobe change." He clasped his hand together as the boys got up slowly, letting out a few groans. I followed the boys, holding the door for everyone as they passed.

"Thanks noona!" Sehun smiled cutely as he dragged Luhan out with him. The boys continued saying thanks in their own odd ways before it was Chanyeol's turn. He just stared at me for a second before bowing his head abit then leaving. I followed slowly behind him as we walked down a narrow corridor. I felt bad for him, i dont know why because im sure it couldn't be me so why did i feel guilty? Maybe its because I was so use to seeing a happy Chanyeol. The guy with the silly smile that never seemed to fade. It was incredible how he managed to keep smiling everyday. But the odd thing is, he hasnt mentioned anything about me being mute. I mean the other boys know so why does it seem like he doesnt?

I continued pondering before i realised we had entered a room. It was a dressing room actually and quite small to be honest. There was about 16 people in the room. 3 faces that were unknown too be had already began prodding and combing the boys hair. I stood there watching as everyone got ready, feeling slightly out of place because I was feeling absolutely useless right now. Hana must of noticed my discomfort and pulled me over to Chen who a girl with blonde hair was working on. Chen smiled at me and showed me the V sign. "SunJi this is SanJee, Lee soo man's niece." I bowed my head and she did the same. "Annyeong! Nice to meet you." I smiled curtly at her as she went back to fixing Chen's shirt. "That over there is Amber and that one with the blue hair is Tiffany." Hana pointed to a girl with Amber like hair and another girl with Wavy blue hair. I bowed and they waved back before turning back to the people they were working on. "Come help me SanJee." Hana tugged me over to Kyungsoo who was silently playing on his phone. Hana began working on his hair. Telling me to do small task every now and then. Before we knew it, everyone was done and we were making our way outside to the Van. I was told to sit in the front seat of Exo-M's Van. I looked outside the window as we made our way from the back of the building. I could hear the Fans from outside already screaming and running towards the van holding their banners. It was quite a sight seeing all the fans pushing and shoving to try and get closer to the van even though they couldn't see through the black tinted windows. Their faces were the most funny thing though. Some of them were crying while others were screaming their heads off. A smile crept onto my face as i watched, them not having a clue i was inside enjoying every moment. The only sad thing is that these girls would actually dedicate their whole lives for a band. I mean, what about school and other important things? You cant stalk a band as a living.

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