Unspoken words... 9

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SanJee's POV:

"Tickets now selling! Everyone come get your tickets for the annual school ball!" Someone with a megaphone was shouting. Holding a piece of paper as students gathered around the table.

Chanyeol smiled and pulled my hand towards the table. Picking up a brochure. "We have this every year. Each year its a different theme and this year is.." His eyes scanned the page. "Bollywood! But someone has decided to put mask into it as well." He shrugged His shoulders before turning to me. "You going to come SanJee?" I shrugged. Parties were never my scene. I never really went to any parties anyways. Chanyeol's shoulder slumped and he pouted. "Please come! Exo will be there so you won't be bored." I was thinking about it when tao and sehun came over. Joining Chanyeol in pouting. They probably had no idea why they're even pouting.

I laughed at the 3 faces. And nodded my head. "ASSA!" Chanyeol fisted pumped the air before hi-fiving the other two. "So what exactly were we pouting for?" Sehun asked. Tao scratched his head clueless as well. "Oh. I was trying to convince SanJee to come to the ball." A chorus of ohhhhs came out of their mouths. "Yes! I'm glad you're coming. We'll be there so you won't be alone SanJee-ah." I smiled at the two when the bell rang.

We all quickly made our way to our classroom and sat down. Mr Lee came in and stood in front of the class. Using his arms to support His weight as he leaned on the table.

"Alright! As everyone knows, the annual ball is coming up. This years its Bollywood so we're going to be learning Bollywood dancing." Everyone started talking. Some even squealed out of excitement. "Last period every Tuesdays, you guys will be with me learning the dance. The whole school is doing it so be ready. Now, boys!" He clasped his hands together. "You guys know the drill. You'll need a partner for the dancing so please pick a girl by the last period. If you plan to pick someone from a different class, remember you'll be placed with someone else in the same class as you for the practices. When its the real thing, your partner you have chosen will step in." After that, Mr Lee left for a meeting and the whole room began talking. Going around and talking about their costumes and partners.


Author's POV:

SanJee sat at her desk. Her hands clasped together on the table as she looked around. Chanyeol was staring at SanJee. Trying to muster up enough courage to ask her when SanJee turned her head to him. She gave him a small smile and like usual, he smiled back. Before he could say anything Julie sat behind Chanyeol and called for his attention. SanJee noticing it was Julie twisted her head back and focussed on the book in front of her. 'My love is dead.'

"Annyeong Chanyeol!" She smiled sweetly at Chanyeol but threw daggers at SanJee's back. "Good morning Julie."

The two blabbered on and on about the ball. Julie trying to hint to chanyeol that she wanted to go with him but Chanyeol being oblivious to the situation.

SanJee sat silently. An odd feeling was bubbling from the pit of her stomach. It felt like anger but it felt like sadness all at the same time and it left her utterly confused on the emotion she was feeling. She didn't like how Julie was talking to Chanyeol. She didn't like how Chanyeol talked back to Julie. She knew Julie was. A fake and she was sure she wanted to pull Julie's hair for being a fake.

SanJee shook her head. Not wanting to think of bad thoughts. Her hands balled into a fist as she read her book.

"How dare he was talking to a girl that wasn't me. How dare he look at another person with lustful eyes. It was absoulately wrong but I was absoulately ridiculous for feeling jealousy against someone that was his friend. Or so I thought."

SanJee eyes widened. This was how she was feeling. this emotion called jealousy. It Was all foreign to her but she knew it was ridiculous. Chanyeol wasn't hers but she still felt annoyed at him. But she was also confused. She felt safe with Chanyeol but she felt annoyed at chanyeol and that left her confused.

For the whole day SanJee didn't speak to chanyeol nor look at him. She was in denial about her feelings. Maybe its just a phase. Maybe I'm over thinking this friend thing. Why is she even feel jealous? Chanyeol wasnt hers to own. 'This isnt right' SanJee reassured herself.

The bell went and SanJee quickly picked up her stuff and left the room.
SanJee's POV:

I seriously need to clear my head. I'm jealous for something that isnt mine and i shouldn't be because he's a god damn friend! But out of everyone it just had to be Julie. That stupid Julie and her two-sided face. How can everyone be deceived by her? She wasnt a nice person and thats for sure.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt my hand being tugged back. It felt like Dejuvu again. Being pulled back into his chest but this time i didnt pull back. I looked up and it was indeed Chanyeol latching onto my wrist. His eyes were fixated on me and i waited for him to catch his breathe. I watched him. He was taking breathes in quickly. A small trickle of sweat evident on his forehead. I felt a tingle erupt from the pit of my stomach.
'His arms was hanging on my waist and his lips pressed up against my neck. "I want you." He simply said and with that small sentence, a tingle started to grow from the pit of my stomach as he worked his hands. Butterflies. Many many butterflies were creating havoc in my body.'
I remembered reading about it from the book. Butterflies. I have butterflies from mere contact with Chanyeol. Okay, this is driving me insane. First i get jealous and now butterflies? You only feel this when you like or love someone.
I wasn't sure about my feelings for Chanyeol anymore. The more time i spent with him, the more confused i became.
"So, what did i do wrong this time?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Chanyeol. He's asking me what he did wrong. He didn't do anything wrong! I was jealous but i cant tell him that! Thats like driving yourself into a pool of embarrassment. I decided to stay quiet but gave Chanyeol a smile so he wouldn't feel guilty.
"Well, I'm not sure what i did but I would like to make it up to you." He smiled at me. His teeth showing. My right eyebrow raised. Make it up to me? How?
"Let me explain how ill make it up to you." What the heck? Is he reading my thoughts. He's been doing this for a while now. Its like he can read minds.
He let out a laugh before looking at me intendedly. "Come to the ball with me." My eyes widen. Like a date? "Like a date. My partner." He's doing it again! I narrowed my eyes at him. "Come on! SanJee, please be my date for the dance." He asked me properly as he held my hand in his. My cheeks turned crimson with the small skinship. Well, i highly doubt anyone would ask me and i kind of want to go with Chanyeol. I think it will be a lot of fun. I felt excited and i nodded my head at Chanyeol. He laughed and did his usual fist pumping the air. "Yay! SANJEE AGREED TO BE MY DATE. WOOH!" I laughed at him as he yelled it out. Slightly embarrassed but i thought it was quite cute because he was so happy and all i did was say yes.

Authors note:
How cute is that? I wished this happened to me in real life :') oh well. One can only dream. Sigh. What do you guys think will happen at the ball? What do you think Julie will do? She's gonna be mad wont she?
I shouldnt hate on my characters....

comment read and vote! Saraenghae ❤️

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