Unspoken words... 16

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It's has been weeks since that incident and SanJee was feeling more confident about her decision. Even though she was growing tired and sore from the bullying she didn't care because her eyes only saw Chanyeol beaming at her.

"Class. Please listen up. We have a new student here today. He's a transfer so please treat him well."
Mr Lee said. Everyone had their eyes on the new student as he walked in. He was all smiles and stood in front of the class.
Many girls swooned at his good looks and began chatting amount themselves.

SanJee didn't miss out on the action. She had her eyes on the new student as well. He had this huge grin on his face as he introduced himself.

"Hello my name is SungJae and I hope we can be good friends. Please treat me well." That grin never left his face. The girls in the class were squealing and whispering. Of course he wasn't as cute as Chanyeol but he was definitely a hottie.

"Alright class. Settle down. Sungjae please take a seat next to SanJee. We'll get a new table in for you soon."
SanJee raised her hand to show the new kid who she was and he happily sat down next to her. This caused mumbles in the class.

Why was it always SanJee ?

SanJee thought nothing of the matter as she greeted him with a smile. Muttering a small hello before turning back to the class.

Classes passed by and Sungjae had be friended SanJee. He was sort of like Chanyeol in a way. With his smiling and non stop talking.

School had ended and SanJee was coming out the door when she was pushed to the ground.
She let out a sigh. It was the usual beatings but she was had grown a numb feeling to their hits. Chanyeol didn't suspect a thing because she never told him or showed him. Her whole body would be covered whenever he visited.

"First you take Chanyeol oppa and now you take SUNGJAE." Julie kicked her in the stomach. Causing SanJee to harshly suck in air.

"Can't you just stay away from them you b*****" another one yelled.
SanJee closed her eyes as she laid on the ground. Taking in every insult but not caring about any.

Go die.

Ugly piece of sh--

Mute freak

Why are you even here

No one likes you, you sl--

tears streamed down SanJee's face. As she pushed herself up. Heaving in breathes.

"What is going on here!" She heard a voice from the distant yell.
Her eyes were closed as she heard Julie and the minions talk before hearing footsteps run away.
Her shoulder flinched away from the persons touch as they helped her up.

"Oh my.. SANJEE ! you alright?" She opened her eyes to be greeted with Sungjae's worried eyes. Smiling at him she closed her eyes and blacked out.


SanJee's POV:

My eyes fluttered open as I looked around. I sat up slowly. Putting a palm to my head before letting out a sigh. That must of been one hell of a beating.

Oh right, where is SungJae? I looked around the room and there he was asleep on the chair.
I stifled a laugh as his head fell forward causing him to wake up.
He smiled groggingly at me as he made his way off the chair.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me.

I nodded as my reply. He knows I don't speak much.

"How long has this been going for SanJee? Why haven't you told anyone?"
I shrugged at him. He gave me a glare before heaving.
"Well its been going on for too long. Why are they doing this? They mentioned something about a Chanyeol guy. Who's that? "

I smiled at him. Chanyeol, the core reason as to why I'm putting up with this problem. He's all I care about right now. Even though it hurts. He is everything.

"He's my best friend. They don't like me with him. "Sungjae sighed before looking at me.

"You need to tell him SanJee. You can't hide this from him. How long do you plan to put up with this? Everyone has their limits."

I shrugged. I don't want to tell him. Because he might worry about he won't be able to do his best for their performances.

"I'm going to tell him if you don't. " I looked at him shock. Shaking my head rapidly. he can't tell Chanyeol!

"Well then you better tell him soon." I nodded my head slowly. I know I can't hide this from Chanyeol forever..


Chanyeol is here at school today. I can finally introduce him to SungJae.

Sungjae got moved to a new table. He sits a few rows behind me and Chanyeol.

During lunchtime I pulled SungJae towards Chanyeol and introduced them.

"It's nice to meet you Chanyeol hyung." I could see SungJae's eyes. He looked annoyed even though he was trying to hide it.
If Chanyeol noticed, he didn't show any signs of it.

"Hello SungJae. I hope we can be good friends. Did I mention SanJee and I are best friends?"
Chanyeol pulled me towards him as he showed his derpy grin.

"Really? Shouldn't best friends take care of each other and help each other? Not keep secrets from each other? Don't you agree Chanyeol? " Sungjae said.
I glared at Sungjae. He better not tell Chanyeol anything otherwise I will murder the little worm.

"Umm... yes. I agree?" Chanyeol was definitely confused and looked at me curiously. I shook my head before pulling them both out of the classroom.



Yo. How is that? There more coming. Eh eh eh eh.

I can't believe it's almost finished.... NOT.

HAHAHHAHA don't worry I'm pretty sure there are still more to come. Besides, I have two fanfiction but I'm having serious trouble on one of them.
Could you guys please comment ideas of what you would like to see in a fanfiction?
Like any scenes or anything?

Anyways. Thanks for the help.
Much love xx

Unspoken Words...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon