Unspoken Words... 1

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SanJee's POV

i woke up to a bright and sunny day. It seemed like the sky was happy today. I changed into my new uniform i would be wearing from now onwards. It was a blue blazer and skirt, along with a white dress shirt printed with the school's Logo, XOXO High School. Grabbing my bag i headed off to school.

My uncle Lee Soo Man called me yesterday when he had arrived back from China. He told me i would be transferring to XOXO high school now since he was my legal guardian. "So you won't be harassed by paparazzi if they find out." He said. I didn't mind because i wanted to get away from my old school anyways. Ladies and gentlemen, I am 'the girl that went mute.' I was bullied because i became mute after my parents died. We were in a tragic car accident when a car collided with ours. Unfortunately killing both my parents and leaving me hosptialized. I was traumatized and mute. Doctors thought I was just sad about the accident so they didn't question it. Until about a week later.

But every school is the same, no matter if it is private or not. This school will surely have its bullies too.

I held onto my bag straps, stepping into the school grounds before stopping. Students were walking around the campus. Some were playing sports and others were simply chatting and laughing, enjoying each others company.

OMPHF. Someone bumped into me and i landed with a thud onto the floor. I looked up to see a crowd of boys, girls and ..... Paparazzi? walking past me. how rude of these people.






So many people were shouting and screaming. It was starting to hurt my ears. Standing up, i dusted the dirt off of my skirt before looking back towards the crowd. I was curious as to why these people were being mobbed by others. Maybe they're the school flower boys? But there are paparazzi. Omo. Are famous people attending this school?

I could see the back of a few guys heads standing in the middle of the crowd. Some were waving while others were smiling. One of them turned their head around stopping when his eyes landed in my direction. A look of curiosity was written across his face. OMO. i turned away quickly with wide eyes. It was only the first day and i had directed attention towards myself. I mentally hit myself. He caught me looking at them from a distance. I hope he doesn't get the wrong idea. I was just curious. I looked back to see the mob heading inside. Remembering his face, he had big cute ears and black hair that was styled and he was definitely tall. Well, they all were, all the ones i could see anyways.

The bell rang signaling it was time to get to class. Heading inside, i pulled out my schedule. Class 12A. I walked around the school, trying to find my classroom when i became lost. Aish what rotten luck. I probably spent 10 minutes walking around when i found the classroom. Sighing with relief, i fixed myself up before knocking on the door.

"Come in."

I headed inside and saw the teacher looking at me. He was a young man with glasses and a slick hair cut. "oh." I smiled. "You must be SanJee Choi, the new student." He welcomed me with a smile. "introduce yourself SanJee." I pressed my lip into a thin line before handing him a note. He read the note before staring at me with a guilty face. "Sorry SanJee." I shook my head telling him it was okay. "Everyone, meet SanJee Choi. Shes a new transfer student and i expect you to make her feel welcome. Arachi?"

"Ne saseangnim." The class said. I bowed to the class before turning back to the teacher. "Im Mr Lee Soo Hyuk. But you can call me Mr Lee." I smiled and nodded my head. "You can take a seat next too... Chanyeol. Chanyeol raise your hand please." I looked around spotting a tall hand raised in the air. It was that boy from before. The one in the crowd. Murmurs were heard around the room as i made my way over.

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