Unspoken words... 6

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SanJee's POV:

Morning came quickly and I was a few minutes late today. So I had to run all the way to school. Next time I should use that bike in the back of my house damnit.

I was huffing by the time I was at the front gate. Then, screaming was all that I could hear. Looking up, my eyes widen as I saw a bunch of people running towards me. They couldn't possible be here for me could they? I looked around and that's when I realise Exo was behind me. I grinned at them when suddenly I was pushed.

"YAH! who are you??"

"Why are you following exo?"

"Stop stealing our oppa."

These were the sasaeng fans my stories were telling me about. These people were absolutely crazy and scary!

My lips, arms and legs were trembling by now and the hair on the back of my neck was standing up on ends.

"Don't come near them b*#*#"

One of them looked like they were gonna punch me and I readied myself for the blow before someone interrupted.

"Woah! Guys! Please don't do that."

More screaming and I opened my eyes to see Chen defending me. A hand grabbed my shoulder from behind "are you alright?" I nodded my head at Suho and gave him areassuring smile when really I was scared to death right now. My anxiety was starting to settle down abit knowing exo was here though.

"Chen-oppa! Why is she always around you?"

"Yea! Who is she oppa?"

"Is she dating you?"

Everyone around us began screaming questions at Chen. Accusing me of different things and it was starting to hype my anxiety. My breathing became heavy as they kept shouting. I felt a hand slip into mine and grip it tightly. My eyes flickered to my right, seeing chanyeol stand beside me as he gave me a small smile. I was into much panic to smile back. All I did was grip his hand tighter and breathed deeper.

"Woah! Everyone! We shall tell you who she is." Suho stepped up and gave everyone his warm smile that made the girls swoon.

"This is SanJee-" before suho could finish one of the people in the crowd interrupted.


"isn't she mute? Why are you hanging around someone like that?"

My breathe hitched.

"Yea, she doesn't deserve to be your friend. Never less to be defended by exo."

I felt Chanyeol's grip tighten.

"Is it true?" Chanyeol whispered into my ear.

Author's POV:

SanJee's eyes flickered from the ground before looking up at chanyeol. Tears threatening to spill from her eyes. She avoided his gaze before nodding.

Before Chanyeol could speak up, Suho interrupted the wild crowd.

"We are aware of SanJee's condition and we would much appreciate it if you guys did not speak of it in such a way." Suho looked around with soften eyes as he tried to calm the wild fans. He knew this would have happened. Suho knew that these fans would have gone crazy once the news was leaked and now he was determined to fix the problem for exo and SanJee.

"SanJee is not dating anyone from exo. If you must know, SanJee is our assistant manager. She has been giving us a Hand with our work because of our busy schedules. You wouldn't want your oppas to be tired would you?" Suho pouted and so did some of the other guys to give it more effect.

It worked because all the girls began cooeing and squealing.

"So please leave SanJee alone. Thank you." Kris cooly said before leading the group out of the crowd. The crowd seemed to have forgotten about SanJee as they chased Exo into the building.

Meanwhile, Chanyeol had pulled SanJee across the oval to their willow tree.

He harshly let go of her wrist as he pasted back and forth angrily. He was so mad at SanJee for not telling him. Why didn't she tell him? How come exo knew? Is this why she didn't talk to him? He was so confused about everything and most importantly he was hurt. Hurt that SanJee did not trust him.

He ran his hand through his hair roughly before staring back at SanJee who was seated on the bench. Her poker face evident but tears now strolling down her face. Her secret was let out and now Chanyeol knew. She just didn't know if she could handle Chanyeol, the fans and the constant bullying. Its like the bullies haunted her everywhere she went.

Chanyeol sat down beside her before speaking.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

The sadness was evident in his voice as he spoke. SanJee contemplated on whether to answer the question before  decided to just tell him everything since it was now out in the public. She grabbed his wrist gently before writing.

(Writing on his palm.)
I was scared you would leave like everyone else.

"SanJee I would never do that! I'm hurt that you did not trust me enough SanJee-ah. Best friends trust each other." He let out a sigh before wiping one of SanJee's tears away.

"How does everyone else know except me?"

Uncle told everyone at the company. I guess you were out then.

Chanyeol sighed again before intertwining their fingers. SanJee stared at him weirdly but did not protest.

"Trust me okay? I won't leave you just because you're mute. Being mute does not matter to me arasso?"

SanJee nodded her head. Feeling slightly better that she knew he would not leave her but a bit of doubt was sitting in the back of her mind.

"Can we be friends again?"

SanJee thought about this long and hard. Her secret was out and Chanyeol was fine. Suho had told everyone about her situation with Exo.  She was just now worried about the bullies and the constant paparazzi. She didn't know if she could deal with it without having some sort of panic attack.

Chanyeol seemed to have realised SanJee's worries. He squeezed her hand and gave her a smile as she looked up.

"Remember, exo will protect you." He gave her a derpy grin as she grinned back and nodded. She would endure this for him. For herself. For A chance to have friends.


Author's note:

Short chapter today because I have an authors block. School has finished for the year and it didn't end that great. Too much drama. :-(

Anyways! Dedicated too LayUnicorn1 for giving me my first dedication! Thank you so much ❤❤❤

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