Unspoken words... 13

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It was the night of the ball and everyone was nervous and excited.  Including SanJee. She was currently at home, smoothing out her navy blue Sari. That's right,  SanJee chose navy blue. The door bell rang and she quickly covered herself with the scarf and headed downstairs. Breathing in a breathe, she opened the door to see Chanyeol wearing a mask along with his blue shirt and black dress pants. Chanyeol smiled at her and grabbed her hand. Putting on the corsage, he complimented her beauty causing SanJee to blush.

Chanyeol escorted SanJee out of the house and quickly opened the door to the car. Muttering a small thanks they both left to the venue. The car ride was quiet but it was a comfortable silent. Without even realising, Chanyeol and SanJee had ended up holding hands. Their fingers intertwined with each other.

Arriving at the ball they headed out hand in hand and went to greet the other boys and girls.

"Is there something you're not telling us?" Chen smirked at their intertwined hands before linking arms with bomi. Upon realising, the two blushed but did nothing to separate their hands.

The group laughed at their two innocent friends before Hana - Sehun date - decided to take some pictures. Memories that would last a life time.
"Okay guys! Last photo! Make it funny!" Hana said before setting the timer on.

SanJee simply smiled at the Camera because she wasn't very good at being funny.





SanJee stood their dumbfounded. Chanyeol had just kissed her! Not on the lips of course but a simple cheek kiss. Her cheeks were burning up as we speak. She stood there right beside Chanyeol not moving as everyone else headed in.

"You okay SanJee?" Chanyeol rubbed his hands nervously. Hoping he didn't upset her with the kiss. He knew SanJee could be very conservative. Heck, she was conservative!
Rubbing the back of his neck, he let out a sigh before taking SanJee's hand softly and pulling her inside.
This shook SanJee out of her trance and finally into the real world. Her cheeks were now crimson as the walked inside hand in hand.

"You..... okay?" He asked carefully. SanJee let out a small nod as they walked towards their designated table. Once seated, the principle arrived and gave the school his address. ( not address as in house address but address as in speech address. )

Their principle talked on and on about having fun when really everyone was bored out of their minds from his speech.


SanJee's  POV:

Finally the principle went off stage and the music turned on. Everyone talked among themselves as they ate and drank.
People began heading onto the dance floor as the night went on and I sat there bored as i watched Chanyeol my date talk to his mates. I blushed. I can't believe he kissed me. What does that mean now? What are we to each other? Does he like me? Why did he do it?

Question after question. My mind was going crazy. So crazy I didn't even notice Sehun had pulled me out of my seat and onto the dance floor. I stood there dumbly as he danced. Being the little funny maknae he was. I laughed as I watched his boogie around me. Before grabbing my hands and getting me to do it too. We danced for a while until Chen came over and stole me away from the little maknae. We began swimming I guess :") but it sure was fun.

All the boys came and danced with me for a while but I still couldn't see Chanyeol. I'm just glad I have this mask over my mouth otherwise people would never let me forget I did the boogie.

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