Unspoken words... 4

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SanJee's POV:

I entered my dark house and quickly wiped away at my tears before chucking my bag onto the sofa.

Why do i even care about him.. especially if i know hes going to turn away. I laughed at myself. Ive been here before. It will just be like old times...

My phone beeped causing me to look at it. The light from the phone alluminated the room as it lied on the kitchen counter. I picked it up and read the screen.

'Message from uncle

Slide to answer'

I slid my finger across the screen and it opened up to the text message.

From: uncle

Hey Jee. I just got back from China. how have you been? Enjoying your new school?

I smiled at the text. Uncle was always out of the country for business trips with his bands and groups.

To: Uncle

Ive been good and school has been great! How was China.

Uncle was the only person i showed my nice side too. We were very close eventhough we only met 2 years ago. He was like another father to me and he always took care of me eventhough i pushed him away.


Thats good and China was great. The group promotion for the band was a huge success. Do you have job jee because i have a job available at the company. We need extra help, weve been doing well lately.

I thought about it. Well, i never did anything and maybe this job would help me open up to people. Plus the job is in the music industry and i love music also i get paided and i could finally repay uncle for his kindness.

To: uncle

Sure uncle :) whatever i can do to help.

May i ask what the job is and when ?

From: uncle

Thank you jee. I can always count on you cant i? :) you'll be assistant manager. This group has been doing well lately so we need more help.

You get $20 an hour and its just on weekends okay? :)

I have a meeting to attend to now Jee. I shall call you tomorrow okay? Goodnight Jee

I smiled at the text. Uncle always helped me out whenever i needed help and plus, getting a job will help me keep my mind off things.

I took a quick shower and got dressed into my night gown. Yes, i like to wear night gowns. Easy to slip on and very comfy. Taking out my guitar i sat down on my window ledge and strummed as i fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up early today eventhough it was the weekends. Uncle said i would start work today at 7:30 so i had to get ready now. My clock read 6:45am as i immerged into the kitchen.

Eating a quick breakfast, i headed upstairs and took a quick shower before deciding on what to wear. Since it was the first day of work, i have to look decent so i decided to wear my short grey overalls with a long white sleeve tee underneath and finishing it off with some sneakers.

My hair cascaded down my back and my face make-upless like always.


oh uncle is here. I quickly grabbed my handbag and phone before locking the door behind me. Uncle's sleek black car was parked out front and his head poked out of the window. I gave him a warm smile as i hoped into the passenger seat.

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