Unspoken words... 8

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SanJee's POV:

We sat on the couch and he pressed his lips into a thin line before asking "what happen?"

I didn't say anything except fiddle with my sweater as my other hand was still currently holding chanyeols. Goss, im holding his hand.

"Why did you come back wet? What happen while I was at the meeting?" I didn't want to answer the questions. It would just lead to more drama. I slipped my hand out of his even though I had to admit I liked the warmth.

"SanJee, you can tell me anything." I looked at him from my side view. His eyes held a sad look to them and a look I was avoiding. It was making me feel guilty when I haven't even done anything wrong!


I had turned my head to his side when his face was only centimeters away from mine. I gulped and moved back alittle but he moved closer. This time I could feel his breathe on my cheek. He decided to move closer so now I was practically leaning against the sofa's arm rest.


Authors POV:

SanJee turned her head to the side to avoid eye contact. Feeling abit flustered from how close they were. She wanted to tell him to go away but she couldnt. And to her dismay, she was slightly enjoying it without knowing. Just when she was about to slip out of his embrace he pinned his arm around her and both their chest were touching now. SanJee gasped, new to the feeling of this skinship. There were sparks forming inside her stomach as she could feel Chanyeol's abs on her chest. Chanyeol was feeling estatic from the feeling that was forming in his upper chest. Both their chest touching each other and both secretly enjoying.

It was quiet so Chanyeol broke the ice.

"If you dont tell me SanJee ill kiss you. Right here. Right now. I give you 3 seconds.."

SanJee's eyes widen. She didnt want to be kissed! Or did she?

She was in debait with herself to tell him or not.


SanJee didn't know what to do. She was sure she wanted to push him away. But that would mean she had to tell him the reason.

"2" She began panicking and Chanyeol who was observing her watched calmly.
ITS BECAUSE OF YOU, YOU MORON! she wanted to scream it out and tell him but she couldn't. Like, literally.

They were now so close and if anyone made the wrong movement, they would be kissing.!

"3-" before Chanyeol could finish, SanJee quickly pushed him off and grabbed his palm. Chanyeol smiled in triumph while secretly whining because he didn't get to kiss SanJee.


Chanyeol's POV:

Sigh, I didn't get to kiss her but at least now she will tell me what's wrong and I get to hold her hand. Hehehehehe.

She was fiddling with my fingers before starting to write.


What the heck does that mean?


She let out a small sigh


I have no idea what she is writing.

"SanJee." She looked At me with a small pout.

"Take a deep breathe, and write slowly."

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