Chapter 10: Unsure

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Oli never liked these kinds of situations. The situation where she had to secretly go somewhere to get something. Well, that's not entirely true. She loves secret missions and meetings of sorts. It gives her the thrill. However, she never likes this particular meeting.

Probably the whole time she's walking to the fancy Japanese restaurant, the more she questioned why she even agreed to meet with Charles. Ever since the last case, she promised herself not to get involved with that man anymore. As said, a detective working with a mafia leader is never good. Though, with everything looking so messed up in this current case, she's not sure anymore what to do.

Arriving at the Japanese restaurant Charles told her to go to, she finds it empty. Typical Charles. She thought. A waiter leads her to a private room. Two guards stand on both sides of the door as the waiter sets aside waiting for her to enter. She enters with as much hesitation building in her skin.

As she enters, she immediately sees Charles settled on a seat. There's already food served but untouched. Charles turns to see her, but she moves to a seat across him.

"What do you want to talk about?" Oli spoke. She tries to put a light tone to her voice, but with all the things that are going on she's feeling...numb as it is already.

A knock on a door comes before a waiter comes in with a tray of tea. He serves the two of them and does not wait to have them tell him to leave.

"Why don't you drink tea first?" Charles takes his own tea and drinks. Oli watches him gulp a bit of the tea. Something about him drinking it first at least has her calm down first. She drinks.

"I heard that you have a new case,"

Oli settles down her drink and stays silent for a moment. She -both of them- knew that there is so much more to talk about. Though, she never wants that conversation to even come alive in the room. She rather shovels herself with the delicious food set in front of her.

"Not much of a big deal. Quite boring if you tell me," she lied. She lied straight at the man who could probably read the mask. However, denial would be a mask - for herself to believe.

"Why did you take it then if it was boring?" Charles asked.

"Money, Charles. I am a middle-class citizen who needs to earn a living," With chopsticks, she picks out a piece of ebi tempura then takes a bite. Even with her eyes not looking at Charles, she could sense the strong aura he's emitting. At these times, she's supposed to be the one who should be shining with such a bright aura and put everyone to stay put. However, now is the opposite and she's now on a leash.

"It's about a missing victim, right? How's that working?" Charles spoke again.

Oli glances up at him trying to get anything from his blank face. "Hmm, let's see. The victim was missing a few days ago's still missing," she smiled sarcastically.

"You know this is confidential. You shouldn't be asking me this," she chuckles. She came here not exactly knowing why she wanted to go here and meet with this man. She doesn't know why she came here to lie all about this. She doesn't know - or perhaps she does.

Charles sighs at the quick and short responses. "I know about the letter, Olivia,"

Oli goes still for a moment and ignores it.

"I also knew that you went to that train station to grab whatever was in that locker. I knew very well you've been going out on your own wi-"

"Stop it," Oli finally stops eating and looks up back at him.

"Stop what exactly, Olivia," Charles does not faze at the sudden change of expression on Oli's face. He knew very well that Oli hates being called her first name for many reasons and being one of them brings back memories.

"Stop meddling with my job,"

"I'm not meddling. I only...observed. Did you see me stopping you from doing those?"

It is only making Oli clench her fist the more Charles put up his smart-ass act.

"I have no time for this," Oli stands up and walks to the door, but stops when Charles speaks again.

"You never let me meet you unless you yourself have something you want," Charles stands up and takes a few steps closer to her. "Now, I didn't even have to give a really good reason at all,"

Oli does not answer.

"I am sure you are asking yourself why you are here in the same room as me. Let me tell you," he takes a step closer again stopping when he overtowers her with his figure.

"You are here because you want to see for yourself,"

Oli looks away from him. It's spot on. It's an irritating spot on revelation. She thought. Being cornered like this is her expertise to get away from. She could just laugh and make a sarcastic joke, but there's a big part of her that makes her look like a completely different person.

"Let me tell you the truth then," Charles added.

Oli holds her breath preparing for something she never wanted to hear. Something like watching a truck crash at you.

"He's back,"

The truck finally crushes her into bits of her soul. She knew he's back. She knew even from the letter that he's back, yet she did not wanted to believe it. Those things she did was only for the sake of protection and a just-in-case kind of scenario. Now that she's actually told it's true. The boogeyman is out there to hunt her again.

I've brought this upon myself. She thought.

"Le-leave me alone," that's all she can say and leaving is all she can do as well.

What better way can she stay alive and hidden from a boogeyman who is in every corner and shadow?

Run away.

Next Chapter (11):

"Underlying Truth"

Author's Note:

Regular updates would be every Saturday :))

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