Chapter 24: Dangerous Rendezvous

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"Are you sure to trust this man?" Locke can’t seem to phantom the worry that’s completely messing with him as he waits for Oli to arrive.  He together with Charles went ahead to the place where Oli is set to meet with Lino.  It is no surprise that it is in a restaurant bar in a hotel.  

“If Lino remembers well what we talked about a few years ago, then I can say I can trust him,” Charles replied.  He and Charles sit right at a corner of the place, but a perfect spot to see where Lino is sitting. 

“Don’t worry, Locke,” Charles glances at where Lino is sitting at a two person table.  Lino in a different fine tailored suit waits for his date as he becomes a perfect picture for others to admire. Charles smirks. I can dress better than that. He thought. “He really just been wanting this date ever since he met Oli a few years ago,” 

“He’s been wanting this date because-” Locke waits for Charles to finish the sentence.  As Charles notices his companion’s tense shoulders and masked worry in his face, he laughs.  He takes the bottle of whiskey and places the right amount on Locke’s glass. 

“Because Oli is charming. That’s all there is.  Oli has a knack for unconsciously charming people like us in her own way.  Drink up, Locke.  You’re too tense for your own good,” Charles takes his own glass and brings it to his lips. 

Locke is still hesitant to drink the alcohol, but he did anyway.  The alcohol leaves a tang bitterness at the end of his tongue.  He can never really get used to the taste.  It took a minute before the punch of the whiskey hit him.  

“Men like mean someone who has a few illegal things up your sleeves,” 

Charles glances at him and back at Lino. “You make it sound like I’m a bad guy.  It’s all just business, Locke.  What I mean by people like us, people who live in the dark.  Her passion makes her brighter and noticeable for people who would always have a knife on their back,” 

He takes another drink. 

“She wouldn’t care if she’s at a party full of predators.  You very much know that she can be stubborn.  She’ll shine brighter among these predators just to point out the answer to a question that’s been bothering us all.  You have no idea how I got my hands full just by making sure she’s safe.  You should know that by now,” Charles chuckles as if remembering those moments when he was the one beside Oli. 

Locke studies Charles for a moment.  His tongue had a lingering question to spit out.  However, he’s not as sure whether to ask at all.  It’s honestly been a question to him what exactly Charles and Oli’s relationship is.  It’s something he can’t decipher. 

“You’re stare says it all, Locke.  Is there a question you want to ask?” Charles spoke without looking at Locke. 

“Right.  I was just wondering about the two of you.  You and Oli,” 

“What about us?” Charles brings down his glass, but he still does not look at Locke.  It’s like he already knows the question would eventually arise especially from this specific man in front of him. 

“How did that happen?” 

Charles immediately chuckles and finally looks at him. 

“We...well, in all honesty I don’t know where to start,” A smile slips on his lips as if remembering the first time he and Oli met.  Though, the smile falters away as he takes a breath. 

“Our first meeting wasn’t really pleasant.  A few years ago, I was in a shitty place and enraged.  Though, I do not know what kind of fate that I , a person who was born with Lucifer’s blood, met someone as innocent as Oli.  Though, I guess she needed help and only another devil can protect her from another evil,” He takes another gulp of whiskey and refills his glass. 

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