Chapter 6: Your Claire De Lune

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No answer.

"Lockie?" It has become quite an irony that Oli is the one looking for Locke this time. Locke would be the one staying in the police station looking for Oli and calling her multiple times. Though, they have their own ways of finding each other...literally.

Locke would be the sitting-down-call-her-on-the-phone-multiple-times type of person. No disrupting of other people or whatsoever. Sometimes he'll talk to one of his colleagues regarding what he should do. The longer he tries to think where Oli might be, the longer he considers that Oli might be kidnapped. Fifty percent of the time, he is correct.

Oli on the other hand is different. She would look for Locke like he was a misplaced object. It means that she'll go around the police station looking for him in every corner, drawers, and even under the desk. She would try to call him three times and text him several times, but that's it. When she finally came to the conclusion that Locke is nowhere to be found, she would do the most absurd thing everyone would do to their friend.

"Detective Oli, what are you doing?" A new officer under the roof is witnessing once again one of Oli's quirks.

Oli places two pots of flowers on both sides of Locke's professional framed stand picture. "Memorial stand," Oli places two small candles in front of the frame and lights it up.

"Is Officer Locke, dead?"

"Maybe. Maybe not," Oli takes a step back and clasps her hands together then bows her head. The new officer she's talking to doesn't exactly know what to do. The other officers who are already considered veterans from Oli's weirdness just laughs it out. Some may be annoyed, but the others just laughed it out.

"We thank you for your service," Oli bows down.

Not for long, the show was cut off after Locke lightly taps Oli on the head with his phone.

"What the heck are you doing?" Often the person victimized by Oli's quirkiness would be red in embarrassment. Locke on the other has grown an immunity from it.

"Ayy! You're alive!" Oli stretches her arms for a hug but Locke turns away making hher stumble.

"Come on. We have to go somewhere," Locke called out as he walks away. Oli runs after him.

Locke doesn't talk at all until he and Oli get inside the taxi.

"So, where are we going? We goin' on a date or something?" Oli asked cheekily.

Locke spoke to the driver for a moment. After a long silence in Oli's time, Locke finally turns to Oli and places a magazine on her lap.

"Heather Ling. That's the name of the woman we saw at the hospital and also the woman you wanted to wait for at the lobby for two hours,"

Oli looks at the magazine. The cover magazine shows the woman they saw in the hospital. It wasn't exactly surprising that the woman is featured in a magazine. One look at her already tells that she's a big shot somewhere. Though, what's intriguing is why the woman is featured.

"A CEO of a perfume company," At the bottom of the magazine is the same quote they managed to decipher from the pen.

"Your Claire De Lune," Oli read out loud. "She must be related to the victim then? She must be a big deal,"

"That's what I thought as well. I managed to talk to her for a while regarding that quote. I would have been happy if it really came from her. We would have had a lead,"

"Wait, you got to talk to her? Is that the reason why you weren't answering my calls? What happened to the ''we stick together pact?"

"That's not important right now, okay?" Locke checks on his phone. "I interviewed her about that quote. It wasn't exactly her idea. She found it at an abandoned shop,"

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